13.5 🍋

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(smut only chapter - things I wanted to add but ultimately decided to make as a second part because I've always imagined it to be like more than one round with Jake 💀 plus make up sex is top tier favorite)

"Good god" Jake sighs. I leaned my back onto the edge of the hot spring and use my hand to clean off whatever dripped off from my mouth making sure to lick everything up.

His demeanor radiated passion, craving flesh between his teeth.

"Hope you're not tired baby girl" Jake tells me as he walks over propping both his arms to each side of  shore. He leans down to look at me and I can already faint from his eyes alone. "I was kind of wanting an entire day event."

Jake tilts his head and lays his on mind. A smirk rises on his face forming a small dimple on his cheek. "What do you say?"

I just let out a soft giggle leaning up to meet his lips opening my mouth to let his hot tongue into mine. "Don't we have to meet up Mo'at for ceremony rehearsal?" I ask as he trails kisses down my neck, each kiss he plants blooms another moan..

His hands clutch onto my folds and began swirling three of his fingers around it.

"She'll understand." Jake says "i think fixing our relationship comes first." His tongue swirls around one of my nipples and I can feel his teeth graze them.  "Plus I don't really like sharing you with Dorin."

"It's not sharing, he's only wanting to marry me for the.." I started only to feel Jake insert a finger into me

"Marry you what again?" Jake ask but I can't concentrate as I keep letting out moans. Jake twist his index and middle finger to push inside of me and swirl it. "Come on baby girl. Talk to me." He says in a deep voice

"I wanted...no I mean..." I stutter throwing my head back. Jake got off on controlling me. "He um...oh Jake!..."

"Focus baby. He what?" Jake laughs his eyes scanning every body twitch that he was making. Enveloping in seeing the vulnerable spot he's put me in

"He...he um...he doesn't...I don't think...I think he's...marrying me just...to get the title" I spit out as he pumps so fast i had to grab onto his shoulder for support.

Jake bites my nipple and I let out a small whimper as I feel him start to suck using his hot tongue to flick littlest touches against it.

"Wanna know something?" Jake says coming up to look at me. "Dorin does like you. Trust me" he says before pulling me into a kiss all while inserting another finger into me I had to rip my mouth away just to moan "that's why he hates me. You know that right? He wants you like this so bad."

Jake uses his other hand to cup my face.
"He wants you Vulnerable. Legs spreading. Begging. Calling him Daddy but it must suck knowing you come to me"

"Jake" I huff out wanting to give in right then and there. As he lifts me out of the water enough to just lay my back on the corner of the edge. My feet still submerged.

"Must suck to know you only want to be fucked by me" Jake pushes his fully erected rod into me. Every inch stretching me out and even being able to get to his base.

I'm only succumb to small words at a time as the only thing coming out of me is moans. "Ja..ke...i..."

"Gotta talk to me Levy" Jake says a devilish smile that curled on his face "Tell daddy what you want?"

"I...i..Jake" I moan out

"Already wanna cum? How many is this already? Six?" He laughs never stopping his thrust "your little pussy must be getting sensitive after that many"

"Asshole" I throw back as Jake taunts me

"I love it when you're feisty like this." He teases leaning up to kiss me and suddenly I pull away closing my eyes as my entire body twitches from another climax.

"God, you're soaking now" he muffles into my ear

"You're going to make me cum again just by that" I laugh

"Do it baby. Let's make it an even number again"

His hands run up to my face. "So damn beautiful" Jake puts his index finger into my mouth as I lick through the curves to thumb.

With his wet finger he goes down to stimulate my clit and I can start to wiggle and pull away from all the sensations.

"Cum for daddy baby." He commands I grab onto his forearm "such a good girl"

Jake pats the top of my entrance and I start to whimper from the sensitivity as while he is picking up his pace

"Let's play a game" Jake challenges me a smirk on his face. He completely lifts me out of the water and puts me on all fours. Jake pushes my head down making me arch my back. "I wanna ask a few things and if I like the answer I'll reward you"

Jake stands up positioning himself right at my entrance. He pushes himself back into me and I already feel like legs giving out.

"Has Dorin ever tried to touch you like this?"

"Jak...e" Jake spanks me and I flinch not realizing it was coming. He rubs my butt to soothe the pain leaning back down.

"Answer the question"

"He tried to" I admit truthfully

"And then?"

"I...wouldn't let him"

He hits me again "why baby?"

"I...only wanted you to..touch me"

A smirk rises on his face as he rewards me. He pulls out and sticks his fingers in and began pumping until I began to climax.

"i'm not..going to make it" I moan out Jake who just chuckles kissing down my back.

"Did you...just...squirt?" Jake asks confused feeling a liquid that was thinner than my natural lubricants but thicker than water. He touches me again and I began to shudder.

"Fuck Jake" I moan out and he re inserts himself right back into me, my legs almost give out under the pressure. He grabs onto my hair and picks up his thrust.

"I wanna know...at night you think about me? When you play with yourself?"


"How long?" He growls pumping faster and when I don't answer immediately he spanks me again. "Answer."

"From the moment I met you" I spit out and he laughs

"That's funny because it was the same for me" Jake runs his hand around my waist to my neck pushing me up so now I was on my knees. "I craved you from the start."

I looked up at Jake and I can tell he's almost reached his second limit.

"Ja..jake...i...I think I'm gonna cum again..daddy"

His pumps become more wreck less now, his hand run up to my neck and he coils around it.

"Cum for me. Be a good girl. Soak me in your pussy juice" Jake moans into my ear knowing this will ruin me "Shit how are you getting tighter?!"

I roll my eyes back digging my nails into his arm.

I most climaxing as Jake pulls out as the juices drip out and right at that moment he also cums all over me.

He was throbbing and still extremely hard as I feel him push me on the ground. He pushes my leg forward and I feel Jake roughly push back into me.

My mouth dropping at the sheer pleasure.

"Ready for round 3?"

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