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"She jumped off up there" Jake says pointing to the highest tree branch on Mo'at home tree. He had a little boy sitting on his shoulders just looking upwards.

"Woah. That's pretty tall." The boy said

"Yeah imagine trying to survive that" Jake replies

"So the princess would splatter into a billion little pieces"

"Yeah, it would've been gross"

"JAKE" I protested hitting him in the chest and he turns to me and snickers.

"What? The children need to know the story of how the great hero of Omatikaya saved the damsel from her utter clumsiness." He says "You see the princess was under a spell and tied to a monster"

"Was the monster scary?"

"Super scary."

"More scary than....um.....viperwolves?" The boy said tapping his cheek

"A viper wolf that can shapeshift to a Na'vi form" Jake responds dramatically

"A Viperwolf?" I say crossing my arms who just winks at me.

"Did he slay the monster?" The boy said patting Jake's head.

"Well not at first, because spells are tricky. The princess was a prisoner and some spells are only broken by true love." Jake tells him

"Ew" the boy said and Jake chuckles.

"Well the hero needed to set her free right?"

"So he had to kiss her?!"

"I mean I don't think kissing broke the spell"

And I glare over at Jake who innocently pretends like he wasn't talking about our first kiss together and it was all but innocent.

"The spell could only be broken by the princess herself" Jake tells the boy and I look up to meet his golden eyes. "You see all this time the hero thought the monster was a man. Loud, proud and evil. But the monster that actually yielded true power was the nothing like that. The monster could sometimes even be as nice as the flowers that grow"

"But you said it was scary"

"It was!" Jake says dramatically. "Sometimes I still see the monster in my nightmares"

"He's trying to to convince you that he's good with children" Mo'at chuckles passing by us and handing the boy food.

"I've always been good with kids" Jake corrects "That's why I'd be a good father"

"Oh so you do have ulterior motives" I laugh

"No. I'm just simply...stating a fact, it's ultimately up to you what you do with that information" he says slyly  tilting his head over.

"What does all terrier mean?" The boy asks

"It means...good like I have good intentions" Jake explains while also looking over at me, to see if I took a bite of his bait yet.

"It means having another plan" I say to the boy reaching my arms out so that he would jump into mine. I would have to stand on the tips of my toes since Jake refused to bend down.

He places his hand on my lower back, steadying me with those dumb love bug eyes. When I'm able to finally take the child from him, he pulls me closer.

"Yue'A can you give this to your mom for me?" I ask putting the child down and grabbing a few packs of medicine to give him. He nods before running off.

My eyes watch as the kid runs back over to Mo'at who was speaking to his mother in the distance as Jake crouches over me dropping his arms on my shoulders. Both his legs on each side of me.

His head rests on top of mine.

"You know I think I realize why I get so...what's the word...uh...that's right hard" he starts and I just laugh. His hand drop around my waist. "When you call me daddy,"

"Oh? Why's that?" I play along turning my head to look up at him.

"I think it triggers my primal urge be one." He explains connecting our eyes "like how hearing that off your lips,"

He lowers his tones, curving his mouth into a grin.

"Drives my need to mate with you"

I can feel his hands begin to gently caress my bare stomach, his fingers running little circles around.

"Like for some reason I have this weird craving" he says in my ear. "To fill you up,"

My head falls back into his embrace knowing he has me right where he wanted. "Until you make me a father"

"I thought Norm said synthetic Na'vi DNA makes it harder to have children" I reminded him knowing consummating on our wedding celebration didn't give us children yet.

"Said it was hard not impossible. Just means we gotta fuck twice as much is all"

"Your mother is here" I say glaring at him "and this is our first communion breakfast after the war"

And he chuckles "You're kinkier than me already thinking I'd try something here"

Voice filled with lust and I hated how with a flick of a wrist he was able to turn me on.

"You are definitely the more kinkier one Jake" I joke

"It's daddy" he says lifting my chin up to look at him. "Can you say please for me?"

And I laugh but I really should get use to Jake asking for something innocent at first...

"Please" I responded

Only to ask for something utterly vulgar after...

"Say please fill me up" he commands

"Please fill me up" I respond "until I can't feel my legs anymore"

Jake chuckles "until that pussy has a permanent impression of me"

I didn't even have anything to say back. But Jake tends to do that when he wanted to be extra charming.

"I can smell you getting wet" he whispers "making it harder to not give in to that primal urge"

One hand goes lower as he listen to my breathing pick up.

"What do you say baby?" He asks voice soft "Spread those legs for daddy?" His hand moves closer to my entrance but then he stops and in that same split second. "Shit!"

Jake stands up and out comes Tsu'tey landing on his chest. The force alone causes Jake to step back almost falling over but his endurance keeps his feet balanced. His forearms wraps around Tsu'tey's legs as Jake slams him to the ground.

Jake brushes dirt off his chest and stretches his biceps by twisting both his arms. I shouldn't be turned on by this but if there was any time I wanted to be manhandled....

The fact that they both are giggling about this is unfathomable as they continue to wrestle and I forget that when they're together they could go at this for hours.

Maybe this is where Jake builds his stamina for sex.


"I can see why you suffer from headaches now" I say to Mo'at after Jake walks by to take the food from my hands only to be tackled by Tsu'tey, spilling everything.

"This is them behaved" Mo'at tells me watching the two attempt to clean up but also wanting to fight the other. "They will tire themselves out eventually. So just leave them be."

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now