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The sun barely peaks over the horizon and Jake has pulled an all nighter. He volunteered to help the human settlement upgrade their science building.

The morning air still cold. He just landed, jumping off his Ikran and wiping the sweat that rolled down his jawline.

"I brought your favorite" I joke and he just sighs not wanting to drink the herbal soup. But ultimately takes anything I give him.

"How was your sleep? Did you miss me?" Jake ask kissing my cheek. The smell of his musk and sweat attached to his peak. I hate sweat but I love his.

"I couldn't sleep"

"You wouldn't get that much sleep with me here either, you know that right?" he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Maybe that's what I wanted"

"Turning me on this early? I just got off work"

"Are you not going to make time for me?" I challenge and he just laughs

"I always make time for you" Jake leans his head down on mine. He has to lift me a bit; to not break his back from bending down to kiss me. Our lips meet and Jake uses his index finger, painted in ashes and charcoal, to tilt my head upwards. So he could get more leverage into my mouth.

"Sleep with me. Please?" His voice is soft and gentler than usual. "Just for a while" Jake scooped me up letting my feet dangle.

Eyes glazed with a rim of amber. His loving side.

"Do I have a choice?" I tease

"Don't say it like that" he chuckles "you know you always have a choice with me" Jake was tired. Walking over to a trunk of a tree and slowly sliding down until he reaches the soft grass floor.

"What if i say no" I jokingly say

Jake glances up at me. I love when he looked at me like this. Those usual steel eyes filled with honey.

"Then I let you go" he says calmly. Letting out another yawn.

"That's it? You wouldn't be mad at me?"

Jake laughs "Nah" Jake switches my body to a more comfortable position letting my head rest on his chest. "I'm serious Levy."

His voice is more stern. Jake yawns planting a kiss in between my neck laying his head on top of mine.

"If you don't want this. It's ok baby" He explains. His tone so soft and sweet. "I know how I feel about you and I know it's different for you, -if you still need time then we just give it more time. No rush..."

The next thing i hear is just snoring.

Jake's love language is not just pretty words or gifts, it's utter devotion. He can't be swayed or budged. If it's you who he wants it will always be you who he looks for.

But that's why I find it so hard to picture who this man was in front of me...

"Jake!" I protested as he stands on the edge of the cliff, where the waterfall met the sky. His broad arms wrapped around, lifting me up.

"What!? Are you scared?" He snickers pretending to fall into the lake. But just as he spins back around actually does slips both of us falling into the water.

I lay on the shore of the waterfall all while he is still laughing. "I hate you" I groan

"That sucks because I love you" Jake says swimming over to kiss me.

"We're not even married yet" I tease laying my arms around his neck running my hair through his wet locks.

"Well just a one more week then you're all mine" he says Jake lifts me out never leaving my lips.

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now