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In the span of a few hours I've probably spoken to hundreds of people. It's funny how here at the communion hall is where Jake and I met.

And where we would celebrate our wedding.

"It was the moment our chief laid his eyes on you...that we knew you would be our next Tsahik" a lady says holding her son.

"Oh we were even a spectacle back then?" I laugh

"You had walked down those steps" she tells me "and we as a clan have known our leader to be in mourning. He hadn't actually been himself since the war."

"He was..wasn't he?" I say trailing off to look at the communion hall.

"But that night I remembered there was life in his
being" she said and I know she was just being nice fantasizing a fairy tale between us. But i can't lie and say I didn't somewhat liked it.

The very idea that they think I saved Jake was crazy. He practically saved me all those years ago.

"You're too kind" I say

"You could never take a compliment before either" Jake voices from behind the both of us.

"My chief" the lady bows putting two fingers on her head politely.

"Could you give us a minute?" Jake asks rather than request it.

"Of course!" She says turning to bow to me before walking back to the rest of the crowd of people. I turn slightly to look over at Jake who stands silently for a brief moment.

"You know I just realized something," Jake says walking over me with a finger up to my face. "You're a fucking thief"

"What?" I laugh

"You stole my heart, my love, all my damn attention" he shouts dramatically "My soul, You took everything I have! You little fucking robber!"

He leans down to kiss me, only lifting his head slightly off of mine.

"I did no such thing"

"You definitely did" He plays along one hand placed behind my waist. "The very first night we met, you already took the air I was breathing."

"You don't need air" I tease earning a chuckle from Jake. "If I took that, how would you even live?"

"Will power" he explains

"Oh?! I took your soul, your heart and the air that you breathed and you are still walking with just will power? I didn't know I had magical abilities"

"It might as well be" he jokes running a his thumb over my face. As if to make sure I was real.

"What?" I ask looking up into his golden eyes.

"I'm just memorizing how you look tonight." He explains "it's going in the core memories box in my head"

"Right." I laugh "right next to our first night we had sex"

"You saw that?" Jake ask "Did you also see how many times I sat there undressing you on a daily prior?"

"Yes, I also remember your mind wanting to throw me onto the dinner table our very first family dinner" I tell him and he chuckles

"See I was so behaved back then for you"

"So not anymore"

"I would say....It depends on the situation" Jake says "like right now, I was hoping to see what bridal lingerie you're wearing underneath that"

"No peeking"

"Give me a hint"

"Will that make you behave for the rest of the night"

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now