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Jake crotchets down, arms thrown over his knees as he looks down and over the cliff.

"Stop" I shoot back from behind him as I cut vegetables from our garden.

But he doesn't move as I let out a sigh and swat his shoulder. "She can see you"

"No she can't, I do this for a living I know when to be stealthy"

"Dad!" Tuk shouts from the bottom of the cliff and I just glare at him. He doesn't even turn to face me. "Down here!"

Instead all he does is try to signal to Tuk to stop shouting, or screaming. That if she was going to scream at least be a distraction and not make it anymore obvious that he was spying.

"Dad?" Kiri mutters out horrified pulling away from a boy.

"Dad? Your dad?! He's here?!" The boy shutters knowing nobody wanted to deal with the wrath of an Olo'eyktan. A turok makto, for that matter..

"Ok, heh. Heh." He chuckles "I'm not here"

"DAD!" She shouted as he pretends to help me.

"I am on a date with mom, it's not my fault we both showed up at the same place!"

His date is...our front yard...astonishing.

"How old are you anyways?" Jake shoots back at the boy. "You look tall, thought about joining the military?"

"Uh...I'm...I'm only 15 sir."

"God. Dad!" Kiri shouts as I just still sit here and let him dig his own grave.

"That should work" he said already wanting to be trigger happy.

"I...I don't even know how to shoot an arrow" the boy says frantically scared as Jake scoffs to himself.

"Shoot an arrow.....kid can't even shoot...this is the boy you've been whining over?" Jake asks Kiri who just wants to die. "Can you even swim?!"

"Uh, well mom said it's not necessary because we're not near water"

And this only adds to Jake's dumb argument.

"Boy can't even swim, my baby drowns and he's really gonna let her die." He continues to mumble as I just turn to look up at him.


"Hey...Kiri...I'll see you later. I think my mom...just..." the boy says thinking of some lie but can't. "Uhhh....I need to go...wash"

And he bolts off

"Atleast you can run!" Jake shouts as the boy runs faster "Pathetic..."

And his golden eyes peer down to his daughter who wants to outright kill him.

"What?" Jake says "why are you looking at me like that?"

"Dad! You freaking embarrassed me!"

"Trust me he was an embarrassment to himself" Jake reassures "you should be embarrassed even talking to him! You know way more skills than that kid! You'd probably save him from drowning"

"Dad that's not the point!" She protested "MOM"

And I groaned not wanting to deal with this.

"Yes Kiri..." I ask turning to below the cliff but refusing to stand up.

"Tell dad to mind his own business!"

"Oh?!" He scoffs "you think your mom has any power over me?!"

"Shut up Jake." I say super annoyed at his constant over controlling nature

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