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"How do I look?" Seze says flipping her hair

"I don't even know why you are getting ready you know she isn't going to let either of us go"

"That's why we're going to sneak out" Seze snickers to me

Jake has been on tour for almost three weeks and he would be finally home. But it's not like it was a secret, our entire clan was preparing a festival for him. If anyone was to say Omatikaya didn't love Jake it would be a lie. I think the only person who doesn't is just my mom.

"You know you wanna go too" Seze says. She needs me to go just in case we both get caught and she needs a scapegoat.

But I actually did want to go.

"Levy. I need you to drop these off" my mom tells me that night but I think it's mainly to keep me busy and away from the festival. "Ri'la"

What I think is ironic is all those efforts to keep me away forced me to actually attend the festival since everyone in Omatikaya would be there. Ri'la was at Mo'at's home. They were cooking together.

"Oh Levy. How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" Ri'la cooes hugging me "oh are these from your mother? Thank you"

"She has you out doing her errands again I see" Mo'at says

"Yeah but I'm use to it" I responded back

"Stay" Mo'at tells me sternly "Jake!" She hollers

But he doesn't answer her. "Oh? Olo'eyktan is back already?" Ri'la asks

"He just got back and is sleeping." Mo'at says "Levy our hands are dirty. Can you please wake him up. Tell him his mother requires his presence"

"Oh...I.." I started

"Go. Go" she says shooing me down the hall. "His room is the last one. Now go" I let out a sigh knowing there was no way I was going to get out of this.

When I walked in he was sleeping like she had predicted. One arm thrown over his face to probably keep the sun out.

I attempted to just call him from the entrance but he really was gone. If it wasn't for him breathing I think anyone would mistaken him for a dead body.

"Jake..." i say trying to get closer

"Jake" I tried to poke him and nothing

"Jake?" Tapping his shoulder but all that does is roll over, letting the arm, that was over his eyes, to swing out over the bed.


He groans hearing my voice.

"Jake..wake up" I say louder.

I dropped my head on his bed next to arm. "Jake" I whine and I feel his arm coil around my shoulders.

Dragging me towards him. He begins to kiss down my neck.

"Jake" I whispered but ended up sounding more like a moan. His tongue swirls around my skin, feeling his teeth begin to suck around it.

"Five more minutes baby" he begs. His hands begins to roam my body. "I missed you" Running over my nipples. His callous hands were so warm as they went from chest down to my waist.

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now