34 🍋

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"Can we talk?" I ask Jake who plops down on the bed that night.

Jake lays his head down on my lap rolling onto his back having one of his legs propped up while the other dangled off our bed. I leaned forward to lay on his chest. His palm reaches upwards running through my hair.

"The dreaded talk? I'm nervous now"

And I just laugh. "It's not about you, it's me." I say turning to connect our eyes.  "Trust is a big thing for me and I feel like we've been weird since Tru got here. I don't want this weird thing between us. I don't want secrets"

Jake doesn't respond, he just looks at me. Pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Not between us. I feel terrible about everything that you have to go through and my mom...weird stuff that she puts you through too. If anything is wrong; I just don't want it to be us"

Jake sighs, turning his head to look out at the balcony.

"I wanted to be completely honest and I feel like it's always better to hear it from the source than someone else." I start trying to figure out how to word this "So Tru'it is not just a friend to me."

Jake shifts his attention back to me, ears flicking around.

"We were suppose to be married....After the death of Eytukan, my father was the next Olo'eyktan just for the time being until either you or Tsu'tey were crowned. Tru was my dad's right man, he would do all of my dad's orders. So that's how we met."

I sat up to feel the cold air run against my skin.

"At first it was just little, we would talk here and there then it just turned into something. When my dad found out about us, he was outraged. I really think he was just surprised and refused to accept it afterwards"

Jake chuckles trying to cover his eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't mean find this funny but if you think about it maybe he had a point" He says

"Really?" I respond sarcastically looking down at him

"I don't wanna brag....but me and your dad were pretty close. I was practically family before you even knew it" He snickers to himself "He kinda told me this thing and it's funny because...we're here now."

"What did he say?"

"He told me that if you were to marry someone, that it be someone like me." Jake answers "Maybe he was aligning us together"

"So you're saying my dad was just saving me for you?" I play along and Jake shrugs putting both his hands up in defense

"Don't shoot the messenger" He chuckles "Just trying to honor your dad's last wishes."

Jake looks up at me turning his charm up

"Should've waited for me." He flirts seeing me starting to blush.

And I just scoff at him. "Excuse me! I didn't know!"

"How dare you let someone else take your heart." Jake teases yet his tone was serious. Though he still had a bad smirk on his face. His hand go upwards touching my cheek. "When it was clearly always mine"

I was left speechless at his alluring nature.

"So how did Tru make you stray away from your true destiny?" He continues flirt jokingly

"Ok nobody made me stray!" I corrected and he just laughs "I struggled with them not getting along because my dad was like my best friend."

I sigh "do you want to know what was the last thing I said to my dad was?"

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now