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There is a reason Jake didn't ask Levy why she wasn't interested in anyone else during their break up. He already knew the answer.

Jake pulls the chair out and sits down. Both his arms on the small table. As he leans forward to the man in front of him.

"Earth wine? Pulling out all the stops aren't you?" Jake taunts picking up the her glass and drinking all of it.

The man starts to sweat just connecting his eyes with Jake. No man dares to look at Olo'eyktan straight, unless they plan on dying.

"Yeah you know who I am." Jake says, grinning.

The man begins to breathe irregularly not knowing what to do in this situation. It was like he was staring at a complete celebrity, awe and also in fear. He can't even speak, he just sat there frozen.

He glances around the private dining hall to see if there was anyone around or if he could make a break for an escape.

"You really think you can out run me? I hunt down meat like you for a living." Jake says which only makes the man squirm even more.

Jake reaches down for a hand knife, that laid sprawled on the table, and begins to twirl it around his fingers.

"So this is what's going to happen, you're going to wait until she gets back. Tell her you changed your mind and you are thinking of taking some time to heal" Jake suggests

The man blinks "h..heal?"

"From the heart attack." Jake explains and the man just sits there not understanding. "You don't remember?"


And before the man could even blink, Jake tosses the knife in the air, catching it by it's handle and slamming it down into the table. Right in between the man's fingers. The blade so close to his skin that he was surprised it didn't outright cut him. All of this happening before even finished closing his eyes. If the man didn't have a heart attack yet this will surely give him one.

"Oh. Haha!" The man laughs "Oh! Haha! Yes! Of course."

"Yeah now you remember" Jake laughs along with him. "Good. Good. So I see you with her and next time I'll make sure not to miss."

The man's smile disappears and he is frozen again. Jake picks up a piece of food.

"That's actually pretty good. Oh, and keep this between us ok?" Jake says getting up to pat the man's back before walking off. "Wouldn't want you missing a finger doing something to upset me."

The man sits here trying to breathe normally and turns his head around to see Jake was gone. The crowd of people begin to flood the dining hall like normal, as if he was never even here.

"Sorry! There was this huge line and..." Levy starts walking in, only for the man to get up.

"I think we should see other people" he spits out quickly and just leaves.

Because Jake made sure to sabotage every single date. Every single time. He said he wouldn't be in a relationship with her. He never said anything about anyone else. Yurka may continue to set up these blind dates but Jake will just find a way to ruin each one of them.

It was the annual spring festival where all the flowers would be blooming, illuminating the night sky.

"Levi'tra! An honor." A man greets bowing to her "Your mother forgot to mentioned how absolutely stunning you are"

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now