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"Mom" Jake groans into the throat microphone "Come get your daughter"

And Mo'at laughs.

"I'm serious right now." Jake adds on as he leans over the heaven's gate railing system. Just looking out at the night sky.

"Don't like when your future wife gives you the same energy you give her"

"I do not give her this shit"

"Uh huh. You're just a sweetheart then"

"I'm your child, you're suppose to be on my side"

"All of you are my children" She says "And you tend to have a temper"

"So does she"

"Has she stabbed you yet?"


"Then you still have a worse temper"

"That makes so fucking sense?!"

"Stop yelling boy"

"I'm hanging up now."

"You two must learn to talk to each other."

"I do talk to her"

"You. Jake," She says louder "You speak when it's convenient. Not when you should."

"Are you going to give her shit about this too or just me?"

"Jake. Listen to me."

"I am."

"Actually listen. What is more important to you? Being right?"

"Being safe"

"She is safe, Jake"

"Because of me. Because of what I do, for all of you."

"Jake. You don't think she doesn't know this?"

"That's not what I mean. I don't expect anyone, for that matter, to think I'm amazing. I don't protect so someone will praise me. I protect because..."

"You love" his mother answers for him "but you are scared."

"Nothing scares me" Jake sends her "Levy doesn't scare me"

"Her death did"

"That's different" He says rubbing his eyes.

"You protect because you're scared Jake" Mo'at tells him and he doesn't respond back.

"Will you choose to win a fight and risk losing everything in return?" His mother adds on

He doesn't speak. Jake just crosses his arms and sighs.

"You are still Olo'eyktan. If you wish to send her back home then you do it and be done with it." Mo'at tells him "but remember, she didn't love you because you were her Olo'eyktan, she loves you because you were you. Jake. Not her chief. Not her protector. But you."

Jake looks out at the night sky just count the stars. Because at this moment it was the only thing he could do.

"You have a strong heart but don't forget that you actually have a heart."


"You summoned me?" Tru'it voices from behind Jake.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." He says before clicking his microphone and turning to Tru'it.

"So how's that hero thing working out for you?" Tru'it asks sarcastically.

"She wants to see you"

"Who? Levy?"

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now