26 🍋

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Jake throws me onto his bed, leaning over to reconnect with my lips. I never realized how much bigger he's gotten since the war first started. His muscles have become more pronounced and his usual shoulders have now gotten a bit wider.

The Jake I met when I first woke up was lean but the way he is now has doubled in size.

Jake turns to look at me as the sound of fireworks are blown in the night sky. His hands cup my chin letting his thumb run across my cheek.

I maneuver my face to lick his thumb as he pushes it into my mouth. A bad smirk beginning to rise on his face.

"Careful. I'm pretty frustrated" he warns lust dripping from each words that escaped "8 months of pint up frustration"

And I just laugh "You went this whole time no sex?"


He moves his index finger into my mouth letting my tongue lick all around it.

"Why?" I laugh "I heard you were a womanizer"

He just chuckles "Who told you that mess?"

"You didn't say no" I say lifting my face up to his lips. Jake just closes the gap by pressing his onto mine.

"that was a long time ago" He says pulling away from me before dragging me to the edge of the bed.

"Then what happened?"

He looks up at me confused as if wondering is it not obvious? and just laughs. "I met you and you fucked me up"

Both his hands are on my waist clutching onto the thin fabric of my clothes, as he rips it off like it was just a piece of paper.

"Can't even look at another anymore. I just want you" he tells me. I feel his tongue lick my entrance and let out a bad moan. My hands clutch on to his head feeling him use his tongue to swirl around my clit as he pushes his middle finger into me.

My toes curled and my nails dugs into the arm that was still holding my waist.

All I could do is be at his mercy as each movement of his fingers or his tongue made me sigh uncontrollably. Jake pulls his tongue from me to add another finger and twirl it inside the roof of my walls.

His eyes look up at me, as he switch his hand placement from the side of my waist to pressing down on my lower stomach and begins to rapidly pump his fingers me.

I screamed out his name as my entire body begins to twitch from the sensation and suddenly like a jolt of lightening my body just drenches him.

"Nice to know that you still squirt"

I completely collapse from the pleasure and I hear him snicker going back up to kiss me.

"Can't tap out now. We just got started"

"Started?!" I retorted and he just chuckles

"What's wrong? Don't remember?" Jake asks kissing me "You use to be able go multiple rounds with me" He whispers into my ear "Don't worry I promise I'll be gentle tonight"

"Jake" I moaned as he licks around the curves of my neck.

His hands run underneath my top to clasp to the fabric and takes his free hand to rip it open. Letting my breast become exposed to him.

He leans down to bite on my nipple and I let out an uncontrollable moan. Clutching onto the back of his neck.

"What if I don't want you to?" I ask through moans

"Don't want what?"

His arms veins visible that run from his palm up to bicep. He loosens his clothes, without ever needing break our kiss. Jake pulls out a knife that resides on his chest and throws it over at a wall, sticking the landing.

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now