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"You can not honestly think that's appropriate. She is still engaged to him" Mo'at defends

"She is still my child! My ward." Yurka says standing up. "I will not allow my child to be at risk. What your son put her through is reckless and you know it! She could have died if Eywa didn't show mercy"

"Do not speak to me about casualties. I have lost more than enough" Mo'at says standing up from the table to challenge her.

"And why is that sister?!" Yurka says throwing her hands in the air.

"Ok" Jake cuts in. Leaning by the support beam that lead to the open balcony. They both turn to stare in silence. "As long as she is safe I'm fine with that. I'm not putting anymore people at risk."

"Jake..do not.." Mo'at tries but he just sighs running his hand over his ring finger.

Sleep deprived and emotionally, physically exhausted.

"I'm done."


War has started in Omatikaya. Sky people have return to start colonization. Jake has been out for days, sometimes even weeks, on tours of pandora to help stop the spread of any more sky people into our territory.

When he is back here....it's basically the same as him gone.

Jake stands by the edge of the cliff. An assault rifle thrown on his back while his front had his knife and an axe. He is speaking to the other men, drawing out a layout and when to strike next.

Our eyes meet for a second and his gaze feels...disappointed. I think what's harder for me is to process what everyone's expectations of what I should be to them.

One of his men's hits Jake's shoulder and he breaks his eyes away from me to continue his work.

"Levi'tra" Mo'at greets as I stand outside of her massive home tree. "What a pleasant surprise."

I bowed to her before holding up the basket of wrapped leaf packages. "My mother asked me to drop these off for you"

"How kind of her." Mo'at says mainly to herself than me "Please come in. I need help putting them away"

"Oh yes of course" I responded as I walk into her home

"So how is your wound" Mo'at asks tapping her clavicle.

My hand instinctively go toward my own and touch the indentation. "Oh it's better now. Sometimes I barely even notice it's there"

"And you?" I look over at her and it seems her eyes are digging for more than just a polite answer. "Do you remember any details from that day?"

I shook my head

"Just bad dreams but nothing I haven't said already." I explain to her "then I remember waking up in the infirmary."

And my mother crying.

"I see." She ends.

I wish I could just be this person for her just so everybody would stop acting like...

"Hey mom, can you..." I hear him sound. Jake stands outside as Mo'at give him a few medical aid packs for his next tour.

"Levy, stay for dinner." Mo'at says turning to me I don't even need Jake to say anything to know he is rolling his eyes "We are making Jake's favorite. Herbal soup."

"I....I don't know" I admit knowing Jake and I were on a weird ground with each other. Like I am a nuisance to his presence.

"I insist. Your Tsahik and your Olo'eyktan requests it." She pressures using their title to push harder

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now