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I just sit there and stare at the old radio playing music.

"Just as long as you stand. Stand by me" it sings. I would think it would be cute if it wasn't just Jake singing over the songs.

Even when he's gone, he finds a way to annoy me.

"OH STAND BY ME" he shouts over the musical tones. I reached over to fast forward to it.

It's just more him. Singing....



I fast forwarded again

"Ain't no sunshine she's gone"

Fast forward some more. Sometimes Jake gives me a break from singing.

"Hey there. You're listening to 1800-yourhusband radio. Where all we play here is love songs for, that's right, the love of my life." He says on the tape recorder.

I don't even know when Jake has time to do these things.

"Next song is dedicated to those long aching nights without you. When i'm laying in bed just missing the taste of your thighs" Jake says and I already become flustered.

Which now plays a bunch of sex songs about being in different positions and such. I wish I could choke him.

"Now that I got you in the mood" he says over the old speakers "I hope your pretty face is eating your fruits and drinking water. Here's another classic for you"

"Lean on me! When you're not strong. And I'll be your friend. I'll help you carry on.." he sings

"Charming isn't he?" Mo'at says as she walks into our home. Carrying all sorts of food for breakfast.

"Is he like this with all the women he's interested in." I ask jokingly not really expect an answer. I turn to her and help her begin to prep and cook.

"No. He was just a menace. Believe me there are days that my son gets 20 lashings and he just takes it like it's nothing" She chuckles wagging her finger at me.

"So his charm wasn't able to win you over" I joke

"I am the one who has to be immune to it the most!" She protests "and I suggest you learn how to not let his sweet words get to you either"

And I just laugh "he does not get to me!"

"Jake is spoiled." Mo'at tells me "The boy wants something, he'll get it and he will not care what stands in his way."

"Really? He seems so compromising"

"He wants you to think that." She chuckles "I knew I made a mistake when you two first met."

"Why? He was trouble even back then?" I say smiling at her

"Jake was always trouble. But i realized when he saw you, the boy already had his mind made up. Even when your mother introduced you as betrothed." She says "to his Olo'eyktan for that matter!"

Mo'at stands next to me helping me wash herbs. "But nope Jake doesn't hear anything ...in one ear and out the other."

She places her hands on the table and looks over at me.

"I am telling you, heed my warning Levi'tra. He is spoiled and he deserves to hear the word no."

And I laugh "I do say no to him. I even threaten to end his life on other days"

I walk over to tend to the fire, prodding and turning the wood.

"He just thinks it's cute." I tell her and she just chuckles

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now