Our good girl 🍋 (act 2)

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Tru'it walks in one direction while Jake goes in the other. If I'm right, their plan is to corner me. I tend to give in when I'm trapped between two predators.

But...being with these two, I've built a sort of keenness for their antics.

Jake has two sides, his charming side that he uses to lure me in like a beam of light. He starts whistling, surely to keep my focus on him, while Tru'it waits for a perfect moment to pounce.

Golden eyes never need to scan the room for what he wanted. I was always in his line of sight. I feel like he does it as a taunt, seeing if my ears will twist towards his voice.

And I do turn to him.

"Don't be shy. Come play." Jake tells me first. It's always him first. He's still on the other side of the garden, with several people standing between us. He's wearing a sly grin. He has one arm crossed over his chest, using it to prop the other arm against his chin. "You really don't want us to come after you."

The fact that he's just talking without raising any awareness to anyone but me shows how hyper focused I was on him. But that was my mistake, falling for his lure.

"Because if I catch you..." he begins, speaking slowly and tilting his head with his chin held high.

Then I feel a breath on the nape of my neck and my heart almost stopped.

"Then I want my reward." Tru'it voices from behind me.

I think I really did forget how to breathe. How could I not even sense him?! He was mere inches from me.

The fact that they work together now, using Jake's magnetic charm as a way to distract me while Tru prowls in the shadows to capture me.....is so fucking annoying.

Tru'it doesn't waste any opportunity in putting his enormous arms around my waist, but I managed to barely escape before he could fully ensnar me.

I playful mocked, "Oops, losing your edge," and skipped off. He laughs.

Are you sure? Maybe that's you." He said in a deep low tone. Then out of no where, Jake emerged in front of me at precisely the right moment.

I spent much too much time focusing on Tru, That i didn't realized they flipped who was going to be the one distracting me.

"It's my turn," Jake asserts, trailing his palms down my back and around the contours of my ass before settling on my thighs.

Then he picks me up and makes sure to force my legs apart so he can fit. He's not even in me and yet I was already letting out horrific noises just from the pressure of his hard length brushing against me.

Tru'it's hands go right for my throat and pull me back so I can look into his eyes. While I'm struggling to catch my breath, his lips are hovering over me.

"Shhhh..." murmurs Tru'it.

Jake wraps his tail around one of my legs to keep me steady while his fingers play with my nipples, which are visible through the thin lace-and-silk bandeau top I'm wearing.

Tru leans in and attempts to kiss me, but I quickly turn my head away, and he chuckles. 

Why is he laughing?!

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now