Good day so far

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Sophia's POV:

There's 10 more seconds on the clock. We're tied 2-2. If I make this last penalty shot we win the championship game.

I was staring straight at the goalie. I looked around the goal, trying to figure out where to shoot. I backed up a lil. Once the whistle blew, I ran up to the ball and kicked it by the top left hand corner. The goalie just barely missed it. I ran toward the sidelines and hugged everyone. The whistles blows to confirm that the game was over.

We are champions. The team put me on their shoulders.

They put me down and we all headed to get our medals and and hold our trophy.

Once we got our trophy we took so many pictures. It was the best days of our lives.

Monday morning

Like everyone else, we all hate Monday's. Today was my lazy day so I just put my Adidas sweatpants, state up sweatshirt, white vans, and hair up in a pony tail.

I go downstairs and eat some breakfast. All I had was a protein shake with strawberries on the side.

Moments later, I hear footsteps coming downstairs. It was just my lil sister Jessica.

My sister Jess is in the 9th grade. I'm a senior. Any who, I take my sister with me in the car.

I park my car in the parking lot. I open the trunk from the back and we get our stuff.

"Remember Jess, if anyone hurts you or bullies you, you tell me okay?"

"Yasss Sophia i know. Your so over protective." She said giving me an attitude.

"Im just trying to be an older sister that's all."

"Okay!" She walks away quickly. As I was put my backpack on I felt someone hands on my stomach. I turn around and it was Alexa.

"Hay babe." She said as I felt her lips against mine.

"Hay. What you doing over here?" I said confused.

"What I can't come and see my girlfriend in the parking lot?"

"Well I always pick you up at the social table by cafeteria."

"Well I wanted to see you sooner."

"Gosh your so adorable." I grab her face with my hands and kiss her passionately. I pull back biting her lip softly. She holds my hand and we walk towards the school.

Alexa is that popular, ms.know it all, and gets jealous really easy. She is the captain of cheerleading. She's that drama queen that only dates popular people. She can be a pain in the ass but I lover her.

We head towards our group at the table.

"Well look it here. We have the 2 love birds." Said my best friend Stephanie. We all call her steph.

"Don't be jealous steph." I said.

We all started to laugh. Alexa sat next to me with her head on my shoulder.

20 minutes later the bell had rung. Alexa and I had english, Spanish, and PE together. We holded hands and walked into class together. We sat in the back. Alexa sat on my desk and she pulled my shirt toward her. She kissed me rather soft and passionately. I bit her bottom lip afterwards.

"I love you soccer star." She said

"I love you my cheerleader." Class started and Alexa sat in her seat.

Classes later, Alexa and I were hanging out just the two of us. We were at a bench under the shade. She was leaning against me and we were hugging.

She turned her head to look at me.

"I love you baby." She said

"I love you more." I kissed her softly and gently. As we pulled away Dani and April (Alexa's best friends) walked toward us.

"Hay Alexa." Dani had said.

Alexa stood up and talked to her best friends. I just went on my phone and texted my friends. I put my backpack on and kissed Alexa on her cheek.

"Where you going?" Alexa said

"We're having a team meeting right now at the tables. I gottah go." I kissed her lips real quick then left. I headed towards the table. The team was there and the coach was talking. I ran towards the table and sat next to Steph.

"Glad you can join us Sophia."

"Sorry coach."

"She was with her girlfriend coach!!!" Amy said.

Amy. The bichiest girl I've ever met. She's basically my ex. We dated for 6 months and turns out she cheated on me. She's such a slut. She thinks she's better than everyone else but she basically sucks af.

I rolled my eyes and coach was explaining what our schedule was going to be.

Later during the day, I had practice after school and Alexa had cheerleading practice. I was doing everything I can to work my hardest on this team because we're gonna compete with difficult teams and we want to play in the CIF Playoffs.

Later on that day I took Alexa home. She holded my hand while I was driving. She kissed me on my cheek.

"You know I love you right baby?" She said

"Of course. And you know I love you more right?"

"No because I love you more."

"Your such a brat."

"Am I your brat?"

"My one and only." I dropped off Alexa home and headed to my place.

Once I got home, I just showered and went to sleep. I was literally tired.

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