The end?

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Sophia's POV:

My hand was covered in blood. My knuckle looked jacked up.

The door opened quickly. Steph was by the door and the team was behind her.

I saw they're eyes go from my eyes to my hand.

Steph stepped in and got all over me.

"What the fuck did you do?!" She yells

She saw glass all over the floor and the sink.

"Did you really punch the mirror?!" I didn't say anything. Someone handed Steph a towel so she can cover my wrist.

"Sophia what were you thinking ?! What's wrong ?! Talk to me!" She says

As soon as she wrapped the towel around my knuckle I just walked out the bathroom.

I sat in my seat and put my headphones on. I looked out the window of the plane and just let the tears go down my face. Lil by lil.

Minutes passed and I saw Steph sit next to me. I then took off my headphones but didn't keep my eyes off the window.

"Sophia? Talk to me." She said

I looked to her and began to cry even more. She pulled me into a hug and I was just crying in her chest.

"It's alright. Let it all out." She said

After crying about 5 minuets I sat up and wiped the tears off my face.

"What happen?" Steph asked

"Well.. Bec..Becky..she..she cheated" I tried to say

"She cheated on you?" She asked

I just nodded

She pulled me into a hug again and I just began crying. I couldn't stop. It hurt me so much. How could Becky do that to me?! I thought she was a person that wouldn't hurt anyone. She did she loved me. She said that she'll never hurt me. I guess it was all a lie.

"It's okay Sophia. Let it all out." Steph says

After about 40 minutes or so, I fell asleep on Stephs shoulder. She was just on her phone and watching movies.

Steph's POV:

I was on my phone watching 22 jump street. Sophia fell asleep on my shoulder. She's had a rough day. She deserves a lot of rest.

Abby came up to me and sits next to me.

"How is she?" She asks

"She's fine. She just fell asleep a couple minutes ago?" I said

"What happen?"

"Her girlfriend cheated on her."

"Awww really?"

"Yeah. That's why she punched the mirror."

"Mannn I feel bad for soph. She's done nothing wrong to deserve this." She says

"Yeah ik. Maybe the Becky couldn't handle the long distance." I said

"Yeah maybe. Poor Sophia. I feel so bad for her."

"Yeah me too." I said

Abby kisses Sophia's forehead. Then she gets up and walks away.

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