Love is full of suprises

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Sophia's POV:

"Wow that's was ummm.." She said

"Amazing?" I said.

"Yeah. Amazing." She said. We looked forward and she put her head on my right shoulder. We both were holding hands.

"What does this all mean?" She said

"I don't know. We both like each other but we're don't dating yet." I said.

"I truly do like you Sophia. I really do." She said

"I know. I like you too." I said

"I think we should walk back. It's getting late." She said.

"Yeah come on." I grabbed her sunglasses and helped her up.

We both then walked back together. We both were holding hands on the way back.

My friends were outside my house sitting on the curb. I put on Becky's sunglasses and gave her a piggy back to the house. My friends got up and once we were close to them they asked "soooo what are you 2 now?"

"We're not more than friends yet. But we do like each other very much." I said.

I pulled her close to me and she hugged me by my waist. I kissed her forehead.

"You 2 look so cute together." Steph said.

"Thanks Steph." I said.

We all went inside and hung out with my dogs outside in the backyard.

People started leaving. Some of my friends were leaving. My parents were talking to Becky's parents. Everyone else had left. Just Becky was still here.

We were hanging out in my room. We were laying on my bed.

"This is what I always wanted." Becky said.

"Becky. I've always liked you. Since the 7th grade. But when you dated that guy Marco I tried losing feelings for you. I kinda did. In freshman year I went out with Alexa and made me forget about you. But now, I'm in love with you. I've liked you before you changed. I really did and I still do..i just never got the guts to.." She then shut me up by kissing me.

She holded my cheeks and kissed me. Seconds later we stopped.

"I never stopped liking you Monroy. Never. I've like you since I first saw you. Never will I ever forget you." She then kissed my cheek.

"Come on I want to see your parents. I haven't seen them in a long time." I said. I holded her hand and took her downstairs.

We went downstairs and went to the backyard.

"Hey Sophia hay Becky." My dad said

"What can we do for you?" My mom said

"Nothing just wanted to see Becky's parents because I haven't seen them in a long time." I said.

I turned to look at Becky's parents. They got up and hugged me.

"It's been a while Sophia." Her dad said

"Yes it has. How you been?" I said while pulling up 2 chairs for me and Becky. We both sat down and listened to what they had to say

"Good good. Everything is great. How bout you? How's soccer?" He said.

Just so you know, Becky's dad has always loved watching me play soccer. Before me and Becky were close. My parents always invited them to our house when we were kids. My dad would invite Becky's dad to my soccer games. He's like my #1 fan.

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