Could this day get any worse

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Sophia's POV:

It was increasing every time. It just kept growing. It started this morning. It hasn't stopped since than.

"Sophia you just have to calm down. Everything will be fine." Coach Jill said as I was walking across the room back and forth.

"How can I calm down?! It just keeps increasing. It hasn't even been a day." I said

"We're gonna fix this. This can't go any further." Jill says

"Coach just remember this also happen to me." Abby says

It stood quiet for a moment.

"They just want something to talk about. They just want a story." Abby says

"So what do I do?" I ask finally sitting down

"For now just ignore the comments. Your gonna have to try. We will arrange an interview soon. Try to stop these comments from increasing even more." Coach says

Abby warned me about this happening. I can't believe I said that at the interview. Now the comments will just increasing day by day.

I was sitting on the couch of our hotel room. I was freaking out cause I couldn't believe the negative comments would appear. Everyone judging on my sexuality. It just hurts really bad. Steph was next to me and Abby was on the other side of me.

"It's going to be okay. I promise." Abby says

"I just can't believe it keeps growing more and more. When will this ever stop?" I yelled

I could feel tears going down my face. I cover my face with my shirt.

"We gottah fix this quick." Steph says

"I can't handle seeing Sophia like this." Steph continues.

"Stephs right. Sophia is hurt by these comments. She won't be able to focus for our next game." Abby says

"Alright well I'll see who would want to interview Sophia. I'll try to get it by tomorrow." Jill says as she gets up and makes phone calls.

"She's going to fix it I promise. Seriously everything will be okay." Steph says

"I sure hope so." I reply

About 10 minutes or so Jill comes back

"There is Fox News who would love to interview you tomorrow at 2 pm." Jill says

"That's great. Sophia can say what she has to say and see if the comments will go away." Abby says

"Alright. We leave 12 in the afternoon. Meet me in the lobby at 11am." Jill says

"Can we come?" Steph and Abby say at the same time

"If Sophia wants to then yeah." Jill says

"I'm okay with it." I say

"Alright I'll see you all tomorrow." Jill replies as she walks out the door.

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