Its been a while

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Sophia's POV:

"Alexa can we talk?"

"Yes can we?" I got up and we walked away from the group. We sat at another empty table. She was sitting across from me and I was shaking.

"What did you want to talk about?" She said.

"I want to break up."

Her reaction was a reaction I never wanted to see. Her mouth dropped open and her face was getting red.

"Are you serious?!"

"What you think I'm kidding?!" I said

"No one breaks up with me! I break up with them and we're not over until I say it's over!"

"Well guess what?! I just dumped you so deal with it! I want nothing to do with you!" She got up and walked toward me.

"Your making a mistake!" I got up and we were really close.

"No I'm not. I decided what I want and I'm 100% sure this is what I want." Her face was getting redder every time I spoke.

Out of nowhere I get slapped in the face really hard. I turn my head to the right. I hold my left cheek and I feel the pain on my cheek.

I knew people stared because my best friend ran towards me and pulled me back.

I look at her so furious and you don't know how much I'm thankful for that.

"Thank you! Thank you so much Alexa! Now I know what a huge bitch you are!"

"No baby it was an accident. Please!" I walked away with Steph and my teammates. We all went to the bathroom so I could put water on my cheek.

"Are you okay?" Steph asked.

"That hurt like hell."

"Well sure sounded like it."

The door from the bathroom opens and it was Alexa and her best friends.

"Alexa get out of here Sophia doesn.." Hayley (one of my teammates) was interrupted.

"Look Hayley I didn't come to have drama with you too. I just want to talk to Sophia."

My teammates stood next to Hayley in a line so Alexa could be between me and the wall of my teammates.

"I want nothing to do with you Alexa!" I yelled.

"Why don't you say it to my face!" She yelled back.

"I did before the slap!"

"We're not over!"

"Yes we are because I'm gonna find someone better than you!"

"That's impossible! No one could find someone better than me!"

"Well I am so..!!"

"Sophia you can do this to me!!"

I walked through the wall of my teammates and I stood up tough in front of Alexa.

"Look Alexa I want nothing to do with you okay!! I don't want you anymore! We're done!" My friends and I walked out of the bathroom and walked around.

I tried not to let the whole break up thing with Alexa affect me. I tried to let it go and move on but it does hurt. Really bad actually.

"It's going to be okay Sophia." Haley had said.

"Thanks Hay." She just smiled and we all kept walking around.

5 minutes later the bell had rung. My friends and I went to our first period. We all enter class and we all sit in the back. Alexa and her friends walk towards me.

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