Vs Colombia

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Sophia's POV:

Days passed. It was game day. Today we were playing against Colombia. After today's game we pack up and head to the airport. We were gonna head to UK tomorrow.

I was in the locker room putting on my blackish/greenish warm up shirt. I than was putting on my cleats and tying them. I had my white beats on and I was listening to a motivational speech. About not giving up and finish what you have started.

Abby sat next to me. I looked at her and we both smiled at each other. I took my headphones off and just had it hanged around my neck.

"Ready to kick some butt." She asks

"Born ready." I reply

"That's what I'm talking about." I under high fived her and she got up and walked away.

I put my beats back on and finished the motivation speech.

After the speech was done I took my headphones off and disconnected it from my phone. I put my headphones in my bag and just used my phone.

I've been getting good luck test messages from everyone. From fans to family members.

All I could do was smile. Steph then sat next to me.

"What up with the smile?" She asks

"Just getting messages from everyone saying good luck. It just makes me really happy."

"It's cause they love you." She says

I just smiled and looked down.

"How are you feeling." I asked

"I'm better. It hurts a lil but I could play."

"Steph if your still hurt don't play. We don't want you getting more hurt." I said

"Soph don't worry. It's okay. I'll be fine."

"I don't want to see you get hurt. Your already in pain. If you get more hurt your done."

"I know that but I'll risk anything just to play soccer. This is my life Sophia. You know that. You gottah let me play. Please?" She begged

"Steph you know I love watching you play. I love playing soccer with you. I just don't want to see you get hurt. These girls are not easy. They're gonna do whatever it takes to knock you down legally. Once you fall down to the ground, Steph your done. I don't want to see that."

"I know that. I know you care about me. You just never know when it could be your last day. I don't want to hear that my last game was the previous game. I want to play. Come on Sophia let me play. Pls." She begged

"You know I can't say no to my best friend." I said

She then hugged me really tight. We let go and she smiled real big.

"Just be careful. Please. I don't want you getting more hurt than you already are." I said

"I won't I promise." She said

"Alright ladies. Let's get out there and warm up!" Coach yells.

I put my phone in my bag and we all headed out. As we ran to the field we were tossed balls from the coaches. Hope got into the net and we all started doing our shooting drills.

My shots would always hit the crossbar of the posts. Every time I would shoot it hits the bars or posts.

"Come on soph shake it off. It's alright ! Your good !" Abby yells.

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