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Sophia's POV:

I woke up stretching in bed. I check to see what time it is. I look at my phone and it was 12:37 pm. I woke up like crazy and put on my clothes I put on yesterday. I didn't see Becky next to me. I brush my hair and got my stuff.

I went downstairs and I saw Becky and her mom in the kitchen making food. Becky turned around and saw me.

"Good afternoon babe." She giggled.

"Good afternoon babe." I said back.

"Are you staying for lunch?" Mrs. Gomez said

"Oh no I shouldn't. I have to get home."

"Babe you should stay."

"No no I shouldn't." I said

"Honey if she can't she can't." Her mom said

"Well I'm gonna go so I don't get into your guys way." I started walking towards the door.

Becky chased after me. I opened my car and put my stuff in the back seat of the car.

"Babe." I heard Becky call out.

I turned around and saw her running toward me.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Your just gonna leave without giving me a kiss or anything?"

"Sorry babe. It's cause I saw you with your mom and idk I just think I should leave you know."

"You should stay babe." She said

"No babe I should go."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then come here and give me a kiss." I walked up to her and put my arms around her waist. I leaned in and kissed her. I pecked her lips and we smiled. We kissed again and I bit her bottom lip softly.

"I love you babe." She said

"I love you too." I pecked her lips again.

"Okay I should go. I'll text you when I get home." I said

"Okay babe." I got in the car and drove away.

Becky's POV:

I waited til I couldn't see Sophia's car anymore. I went back inside to help my mom with the food bc my grandparents were coming over.

"She's a sweet girl." My mom said

"Yeah she is. That's why I love her." I said trying not to blush.

"Well I'm glad you found someone that loves you for you." My mom said.

"Yeah. I guess I did." I said smiling real big.

"I remember last year you had your nose in a book. But now your going out and seeing the world. I've been trying so hard to kick you out of the house so you can see new things. You finally did that." She said.

"Yeah I remember that. I never wanted to go anywhere. I just wanted to stay home and write new music. With the help of my friends and girlfriend, I'm exploring new things."

"Just remember, don't make someone change you." I froze for a second and thought about what she had said. A lot of people have changed me in both good and bad ways.

My two best friends changed me to something I wouldn't exactly be. But if it weren't for them I would still be that same nerd since the 4th grade.

Sophia. Well Sophia really didn't change me. Sophia is the same Sophia since we were kids. She's that goofy,quiet,shy,and lovable girl. She's still the same. Other than her being popular but nothing else changed towards her.

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