My story

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Sophia's POV:

We were at the airport about to board the plane. I was obviously gonna sit with my best friend Steph and "older sister" Abby.

As we sat in our seats, we buckled our belts and waited for the instructions.

"Alright ladies were gonna have a long flight to the UK. It's about 10 hours from here so we won't get there until 5 in the morning." Coach says

Our plane started moving and then we were off.

I put my headphones on and just listened to music on Spotify.

I took out my laptop and turned it on. Steph taps on my shoulder and signals me to take my headphones off. I do what I was told.

"You gonna write again?" Steph asks

"Yeah why not. I mean we have a long flight. Might as well entertain myself." I said

"You write?" Abby asks

"Yeah I do."

"What do you write? Do you write like books?"

"Yeah kinda. I sometimes do but other times I make this kinda log. It's kinda a vlog. More like a blog and stuff kinda. Do you kinda understand what I'm saying?" I said

"Yeah I know what you mean. That's cool. Someday can I read one?" Abby asks

"Yeah of course." I said

"Have you published any?" She asks

"No I haven't. There just there. I don't know if I should tho."

"You should. I bet everyone will love it." She says. All I could do was smile.

I then put my headphones back on and start typing.

I was writing this book called "Don't be Afraid", it's a motivational book. It's about how people shouldn't be afraid of their worst fear. They shouldn't be scared of being open and telling people what they feel. People should accept others with respect and dignity. In one part I wrote about someone who was gay and was afraid to come out. No one should be afraid of how they are or who they truly are. I would sometimes give my advice and opinion.

I just kept writing. I was going to tell my coming out story and how I became gay.

"I myself was afraid too. I'm not afraid of lots of things. Not things that are able to see at least. I've always had this fear of something. Still to this day I am afraid of that same fear. I'm afraid of being rejected. That's my biggest fear. My second biggest fear is not being accepted of who I am. More like being judged. Back in the day when I was small, I wasn't a girl that played with Barbie dolls or painted my nails pink. I was a lil girl who loved comics books, action figures, controlled cars. All the boy things you can think of. In school I would hangout with guys. Girl-friends were all about drama to me. They would be talking bad about someone, talking about boys all day. That wasn't my thing. As a young girl I would look at girls just like how guys would look at girls. At first I didn't know it was wrong for a girl to look at girls like that. Later throughout the years I started realizing that when I looked at girls it's not just because I thought they we're pretty but I had a crush on them. I was scared cause everywhere I look, I would see a guy holding a girls hand. You wouldn't see 2 people with the same gender holding hands or kissing. So I thought it's not normal to have that kind of feeling. I thought if someone found out you were gay, they would do something to you. Send you somewhere. 8th grade is when I realized I liked girls. I didn't know how to tell my parents. I would watch YouTube videos and sometimes hear how when someone would tell they're parents they were gay, they're parents would abuse them or even kick them out of the house. I didn't want to be treated like that. That same day when I got home I just sat in my room thinking. What would my parents do? How would they treat me? Would they abuse me? Days passed with all those questions in my head. I knew I had to tell my parents. I was in my room and I went downstairs to tell them. I had them sit down at the kitchen table with me. I remember they're reaction when I told them. It was a reaction I never wanted to see. My mom cried. My dad just looked down. The whole day they didn't talk to me. When my mom took me to school, she couldn't even look at me. When she picked me up that's when she spoke. I remember the exact words she said. "Sophia, your just confused. Your not thinking straight. You haven't dated a guy. Haven't kissed a guy. How can you say you like girls when you haven't dated a guy." That's where she was wrong. I've dated a guy and kissed a guy before. She just didn't know about them. I just stood there in silence. Entering freshman year I was still "confused" accordingly to my parents. First semester I could say it was a lil rocky. Meeting new people and stuff. 2nd semester is when I had to confirm it. I went up to my parents and told them again that I was for sure gay. That i didn't like boys. I like girls for sure. They just looked at each other and we had a talk. They said they were going to accept it. Accept who I was. Even if it hurts them. They're gonna learn more about this "homosexuality" to get to understand me more. So ever since freshman year it's been a whole different world. Still to this day my parents have been nothing but supportive and loving to me. They are a lil more stricter in the rules of bringing friends over but I mean they've always been strict. Every parent always has their reactions to something their not used to hearing. That shouldn't stop you from coming out. Friends for example, don't be with friends that will bring you down every time your with them. Have friends that will accept you for who or what you are. Have friends that will always be there no matter what happens. Don't be alone. Don't think your alone. Don't believe that no one will understand you. There's tons of people would want to be around you for you. This my story of coming out. How difficult it was but if you think about it, everything in this world is difficult. You have to face long hard obstacles to get through life. I know I still have a long life ahead of me but I've learned things here and there. I've gotten motivated by tons of people. Examples like: my father my mother Mia Hamm Abby wambach even my friends. Don't let your fear take over your life. Because if you do, don't be surprised when you're depressed everyday with no one around you. You just gottah take risks. That's how you'll get through life. By facing your fears."

I took off my headphones and scratched my eyes.

"Is that what you do in your free time? You write?" Abby asks

"Yeah. When I'm bored I just write." I replied

"That's amazing. You have a passion for something that has nothing to do with soccer. Impressive." She said

"Yeah well I been recommended by therapies when I was a kid that if I'm depressed or something that I should just write."

"That's good. How did it all start?"

"It was when I was in 7th grade. My therapy told me I should write if I'm depressed. I started off with writing on notebooks but that was judging waisting paper so I found an app that could read and write books. I started using it and ever since then I've been writing."

"That's really good. You should take a break tho. I mean you've been writing for 2 hours now."

"Really 2 hours?" I said

"Yeah 2 hours. You need to rest."

I saved my documents and turned off my laptop. I put my headphones back on and just fell asleep.

Hours passed

I was awake after sleeping for about 5 hours. We still had another 7 more hours. We were all eating something since we were starving. I was eating fruit, French fries, and a lemonade. Steph was having a hamburger w/ fries and lemonade. Abby was having a turkey sandwich, chopped apples and lemonade.

I was eating pretty quickly so I could write again.

"Hey Sophia don't rush. Eat nice and easy. I mean what's the rush?" Steph asks

"Yeah what's the rush?" Abby comments

"I just want to write again." I continued to eat again but even faster

"Someone slow down will you please." Abby says raising her voice a bit.

I just rolled my eyes.

After eating I turned my laptop on and continued to write.

My phone then vibrated. I checked to see what it was. Alexa just texted me. I opened it and it said "I got a surprise for you that you're going to like."

What do you think that surprise is?

Sorry for making this chapter a lil short.

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