Justin who?

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Becky's POV:

I woke up real early and went to the studio room. The whole time I was working on edits and working on making a music video. I called up some of Sophia's cousins and asked if they could also help me out making this video perfect.

"Alright we're gonna have you lay against the wall with your right foot against the wall." He said

I did what I was told. The music started playing and I started singing along.

Hours passed by and surprisingly we finished

"Alright that's a wrap. Good job everyone." He said

I started gettin my stuff from the table. I was taking out my car keys and I put my bag on my left shoulder.

"Nice song." Someone said from behind me. I turned around and it was Ms. Gonzales.

"What do you want? Why do you keep following me?" I asked

"Your playing hard to get." Ms. Gonzales says

"Your being a creep. I told you I had a girlfriend. Someone I love and respect. I don't want to date a teacher. I'm happy with the person I'm with."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes I'm positive."

"I could give you more. I could be there. I won't travel to places. Do you really think Sophia wants to be with you? She's famous. All the girls love her. Want to date her. I mean come on Becky. Sophia could have anyone. You don't know if she be cheating on you or not."

"You don't know what your saying." I said and tried waking away but she pulled my arm.

"Think about it Becky. Does Sophia really love you?" I yanked my arm and she let go. I walked to my car and drove away.

"Huh. Does Sophia love me? She's funny to ask that. Of course Sophia loves me. She said it. I mean if she didn't why would she tell me." I told myself.

The whole time I just drove home in silence.

I got home and I was so exhausted. I went to my room and just slept.

The following day.

I was laying down in bed on my phone. I was just on Instagram living life. I really wanted to go out somewhere.

I got up and went downstairs. My mom was cleaning and my dad was watching baseball with Frankie (my brother).

"Hey mom could I go to the mall?" I asked

"With who?" She asks

"Just myself."

"Yeah just be carful okay."

I got my keys and got into the car. Then I drove away.

As I was driving, I was listening to 93.3 and I'm just singing along to all these songs. Song after song after song.

I was going to plaza Bonita cause that mall has wayy many more stores then Otay Ranch. I parked my car by Applebee's cause the entrance was just in between Applebee's.  I walked in and started looking through stores. I saw a couple of people that went to my school around.

I went into Victoria Secret and started looking at the clothes and the underwear's. Everything here was so expensive but it was worth it. Just every product was nice and what every girl wants to wear.

I bought a couple underwear. Around the waist it said PINK all around. I bought like 5.

I went to ZUMIES and looked at all the clothes.

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