The pain doesn't go away

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Becky's POV:

Just laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling, thinking. 

How could I move past this? 

I shouldn't be feeling this way.

My heart broke when I saw Malia with Sophia. Then kissed her afterwards. 

Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. 

"Come in." I said 

The door opens slowly and my mom was at the door. 

"Mija are you okay?" My mom asks 

"Yes mom I'm fine." I replied to her a lil annoyed

"What's  wrong? You aren't like this." She says

"Im really fine mom. I'm just... tired." 

"Does it have to do with Sophia?" she asks 

I look at her with tears in my eyes and that's when I broke. 

My mom sits next to me and holds me while I cry in chest. 

"It's going to be okay. It'll be alright." 

After crying for a while I finally stopped. My brother came in with some ice cream. My mom left my brother and I to watch Netflix. 

We then fell asleep together. 

The Next Morning

I was woken up by my mom. 

"Becky. Becky." My mom was saying as she was shaking me. 

"I'm up. I'm up." 

"Someone is here for you." My mother had said 

"Okay I'll be down." She then left the room 

I went to my closet to put something more fresh.  I wore a red adidas shirt and wore my light hollister jeans. I brushed my hair then I headed downstairs. 

I was hoping it was Sophia. To be here to talk, hangout or make up. 

I was looking around to see where the visitor was. 

I saw my mom and she pointed to the living room. 

I walked to the living room and I saw someone with long dark brown hair. Her hair went up to her back, she was wearing a black windbreaker, light jeans, and white vans. 

That person turns around and it was Steph. 

I was happy to see her but I would've been more happy to see Sophia. 

"Hey Becky." She says and  hugs me and I hug her back. 

"Hey Steph. What are you doing here?" 

"I was hoping if I could talk to you." She says 

We sat at the dinning table. She was sitting across from me. 

"I know it's hard right now between you and Sophia. She really does love you. She wants to get back together with you, but she hasn't come up to you because she knows you need your space. She is waiting for you to be ready to talk to her so she can tell you everything she means to you. I was not sent here from Sophia. Sophia doesn't want me talking to you about this. About how she feels. But I came anyway because I needed you to know what Sophia is thinking about. She can't stop thinking about you Becky. Sophia really really loves you. She wants you." She says 

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