Love to the next level?

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Malia's POV:

I was so excited to go on this date with Sophia. I had to be perfect for dinner. I was going to be wearing a tight black dress with black heels. My hair was going to be curled. I wasn't going to put so much make up on but enough to make me look great for this date.

At around 7:26 I started heading down to the lobby. I was so nervous. I was shaking.

As I got off the elevator I saw someone who was waiting at the lobby.

She was wearing a black hooded varsity jacket, light blue jeans, black and white adidas, and a black watch. Her hair was straighten down.

I walked toward her and covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" I said

"Is it my date?" She said

I took my hands away from her eyes. She looked to see me and her eyes got big

"Wow." Was all that came out of her mouth

"What." I blushed

"You are gorgeous."

"Aww thanks."

"Omg dam." She couldn't stop looking at me

"Stop." I couldn't stop blushing

"Where we gonna go eat?" She asks

"I got a perfect place." We head to the front and a limo was outside. There were crazy paparazzi everywhere.

The guy opened the door for us and we were off.

Sophia's POV:

Malia looked gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

Malia noticed I was staring at her. All she could do was smile and look away. Man this girl got me breathless. She looked at me again and she kissed my cheek. She then holded my hand.

"Is that all I get?" I say

"For now." She then winks at me.

This girl I swear.

We got to the place and the guy opened the door for us to get out. I got out and I helped her out of the limo.

We were at a steak house. How did she know I love steaks?

We headed inside and got our reserved seats. We went upstairs and we sat by the window.

We had an amazing view of the bridge. The lights were on in the night. It was just beautiful.

"Hi my name is Kyle I'll be your waiter for today. Could I start off with drinks."

"I'll take a Sprite." I said

"I'll take a Sprite too." He then left

"So have you heard about your results yet?"

"Nope. My manager hasn't told me anything. One question tho."


"Would you ever want to surf?"

"I thought about it but no I wouldn't?" I laughed

"Why it's so much fun." She smiles

"No no I'm not trying to die." I laughed

"You won't I promise. I'll even teach you."

'She'll teach me?' I thought

"You'll teach me?"

"Yeah why not?" She smiles

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