Chill day

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Sophia's POV:

The car pulled up my drive way and all I did was roll my eyes. They got out of the car and walked in front of their car.

"What do you want Alexa." I said in annoyance

"Oh nothing just wanted to see how you were since you were sent to the hospital." She said

"Why do you care? It's none of your business!" I said with frustration

"I was just curious that's all. I mean we're still friends right?" She said while giving me a devil smile.

"No were not friends. I'm done with your games and your selfishness. I'm done with you. I want nothing to do with you. Do me a favor Alexa. Get in your car and drive home. Pretend like we don't know each other and just don't talk to me."

"Oh you know that I can't do that." She said

"And whys that?!" I yelled

"Oh you know why." She got in the car and drove away.

"What does she mean oh you know why? Babe does she know something that I don't?" Becky said.

"No babe of course not. There's nothing im hiding from you I promise. I will never hide anything from you." I said

"Promise?" She questioned

"I promise babe." I kissed her left cheek and all she did was smile.

"I should get going it's getting kinda late." She said

"Do you have to go?" I whined

"I mean I don't have a curfew but I should go so you can rest."

"Can't you just stay over? You know take care of me? Plssss." I begged

"Fine but just today."

"Okay." I said smiling real big

We both went inside since it was getting a bit chilly.

We headed to my room and watched Netflix. We were watching Bob's Burgers.

Bob's Burgers is life tbh lol

After watching a whole season which has 20 episodes, we both had fallen asleep.


I woke up and saw Becky still sleeping. All I could do was smile and kiss her cheek.

Right when I kiss her cheek it must've woken her up cause she moved and starting scratching her eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." I said

"Morning babe." She replied

She then sat up and looked at me.

Me on the other hand I'm just smiling right at her.

"What?" She said


"Why you looking at me." She smiles

"Because your beautiful." I said

"My hair is a mess and I look like a disaster."

"To me you don't. You look amazing like always."

"Thanks for being sweet, but it's okay to be honest babe. I won't get butt hurt." She said

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