Whats going on?

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Becky's POV:

"What happen to Sophia?" Destiny said.

I saw Sophia's friends running up to Sophia and like we're worried of her cause I think Sophia was crying.

I felt so bad because I was the one that started the conversation.

Sophia's POV:

I couldn't handle the pain. My high school years were pain in the ass. They were a struggle. Me having a life that I have now isn't easy. It takes so much work to be popular and to have friends. I've struggled so much like you have no idea.

Just telling Becky my story, it hurt me because no one understands what I've been through.

My friends ran to me because they saw me crying.

"What happen?" Hayley said

I didn't answer

"You told her the story didn't you?" Steph said

I just nodded up and down.

"How did she take it?" Steph said

"Umm she didn't really say anything. She couldn't believe that I've been bullied and hurt in the past few years."

"It's going to be okay trust me." Steph said.

Steph was right. Besides it was the past. I'm in the future now. That shouldn't affect me so much. But a lot of people don't know my real story. Steph is the only one that knows my real true story.

We headed to 2nd period. We entered class and the bell just rung.

"You girls were almost late." The teacher said.

"Sorry Ms. Friermuth. It won't happen again." Steph said.

We sat in the back of the class. I had to pass by Becky to go to my seat. Right when I passed by her she grabbed my arm.

"Sophia I'm sorry." I yanked my arm and kept walking. The whole period I just fell asleep. The bell rung and I woke up. Steph got my stuff and we all walked out the door. I stretched and Steph handed me my things.

"Fell asleep again Sophia." Amy said while laughing and passing by me.

"Don't let her get to you Sophia." Paola said.

We then just started walking around. We passed by Becky a couple times. It wasn't her fault that I had to explain my life. She just wanted to get to know me better.

I saw Becky sitting down with her friends. I walked up to her and everyone in the group looked at me.

"Hay Becky can we talk?"

"Yeah sure." She got up and walked towards me. My friends and I took her away form the group.

"What's up?" She said.

"I wanted to apologize how I reacted telling the story and kinda being mad at you."

"Don't be. I understand when someone explains about their life when there was a lot of pain and getting beaten up involved. I just didn't mean to make it affect you so much. I just didn't know all those things happen to you."

"Well now you know the real me."

"I'm sorry." She then hugged me real tight. I really needed that.

She let go and went back with her group. We then went back to walking around.

"Do you feel better?" Hayley said.

"Yeah. I do." We sat at the social table because we were tired of walking around.

"Hay Sophia!" Austin said

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