So far so good

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Becky's POV:

"So Sophia. Tell me what you and your dad were taking about?" I said.

"Oh well I first told my dad that I liked you. He didn't stay quiet. All he did was smile. The difference between when I told him about Alexa and then you, it was weird. When I told my dad that I liked Alexa he didn't say anything and he had a serious face. But when I told him that I liked you he smiled real big and sat me down to talk. He was giving me advice on how to ask you out. The way he asked my mom out was the exact same way I asked you. So I gave it a try and it pretty much worked so." She said

"Awww that's so cute Mr. Monroy." I said.

All he did was smile.

"Anyone want dessert?" My mom said

"Brownies with vanilla ice cream." She kept going

I guess everyone agreed to dessert.

We all then just talked you know. My family getting to know Becky more and more.

Moments later Becky and I were being cute to each other. We'd hold hands, kiss on the lips for a quick second, and you know just be together like a normal couple.

Tbh I loved being with Becky more than being with Alexa. So far I'm having the best day of my life.

As our plates were being served from dessert, my little sister brought up the whole me getting beat up thing.

I couldn't really tell her cause I didn't want to go back to that situation so all I said was "its too much to explain." Then she stood quiet.

We all were having fun with our desserts and talking to each other.

Later on that day it was time to take Becky home.

"It was nice meeting you Becky." My mom yelled while waving.

I closed Becky's door. Becky then waved back. I got in the car and started the engine. I lowered her window a lil bit and drove away. She then put her window up.

As I was driving, Becky holded my hand.

I looked at her and smiled then looked back at the road.

"I love you Sophia." She said

"I love you too." I said. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips

A while later Becky fell asleep. I got to her house. I turned off the car and got out.

I opened her car door. I unbuckled her seatbelt. I heard a door open. I looked to see who it was and it was Mr. Gomez opening the front door of the house.

I carried her out and and took her upstairs to her room. Mr. Gomez opened her door and I laid her down on her bed. I covered her with a blanket that was on the ground beside her bed. I kissed her forehead and headed outside with her dad.

"Thank you Sophia. For taking her home." He said.

I opened the trunk and got her stuff. Once he saw the roses he just smiled.

"Are you dating my daughter now." He said

"Yes sir. She makes me really happy. I can't imagine living life without her sir." I said closing the trunk.

"Please..Call me Frank." He said sticking out his hand.

"Yes sir I mean Frank." I shook his hand.

"Here let me take her stuff inside." He said trying to get the stuff.

"No it's okay I got it." I said

"Let me help." He said

"No really I got it." He took the roses and the poster away from me. All I could do was smile.

I went inside and but her bag on the couch.

"You should go its getting late." He said.

"Yeah it is." I said

"Once again thank you Sophia. Have a nice night." He said showing me the way out.

"Goodnight Mr. Gomez." I said and got in my car. I turned on the engine and drove away.

The Next Day

Sophia's POV:

"Okay can you tell me now?" She said

"We're almost there." I said. She was literally blindfolded and I was driving.

"Why can't you just tell me?" She said

"Because it's a surprise." I said laughing.

I holded her hand and she jumped.

"Calm down babe." I said

"I'm so just so scared." She said shaking.

All I could do was laugh. We were here and I parked my car in the parking lot.

I turned off the car and I kissed Becky on the lips. She then kissed me back.

"Are we here?" She said confused.

"Yes we are but don't take off the blindfold." I said

I got out of the car and opened her door. I helped her get out of the car. I closed her door and started smiling.

"Ready?" I said

"Yes." I took off her blindfold and she saw where we were.

"Belmont Park?!" She said overexcited.

"Yes." I hugged her from behind. I kissed her cheek

She turned around and hugged me.

"I love you i love you I love you." She said.

"I love you too babe. Come on let's go." I holded her hand and we went and enjoyed ourselves.

We went on the roller coasters. We went on the bumper cars. Man I was in love with this girl.

Later on that day

Becky and I were sharing a sundae together.

"This is so much fun. Thank you." She said while eating

"Well of course anything for you." I said.

"This is what I've always wanted. I've always wanted to talk to you. I've always wanted to be with you. To go out as a couple but.." She stopped

"But what?" I said confused

"Your ex girlfriend made me keep my distance from you the whole time." She said.

I didn't say anything.

"Sophia say something." She said

"There's nothing to say." I said

"Okay look it was the past. Let's not let this affect today. Okay?" She said smiling.

"Okay." I smiled back.

The day went by fast. The sun was going down. Becky and I were walking on the beach by the water. We were walking together holding hands.

"Are you cold?" I said.

"No no Sophia.." She said

"No here." I said taking off my jacket and putting it on her.

"Thanks." She said with a smile. I holded her hand and we walked around. She put her head on my shoulder and I kissed her head.

Could this day get any better? I thought

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