Suprise suprise

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Sophia's POV:

I heard beeping noises. I could barley see from the bright light in my eyes. I had no idea what was going on or where I was.

I saw people come in and out the room I was in. I looked around and I think I was at the hospital. I was laying on a bed with a patient robe on me.

When I finally got my vision back I could see doctors and nurses come towards me.

"Hello Sophia. I'm doctor Robert. How are you feeling?" He said

"Good. Just my head hurts." I said

"Okay well, we'll bring in your family in a moment." He said.

"Okay thank you." I said then they left the room.

Moments later my family came in. My mom came in crying in tears. She hugged me really tight.

"Oh my god sweetie are you okay?" My mom said

"Yeah I'm fine." I said. Everyone hugged me and they were all crying.

The doctor came in and shook hands with my parents.

"Mr and Mrs Monroy well your daughter is alright. She did lose a lot of blood but she will be fine. She does have a concussion but there isn't any broken bones in her system. She can't play any sports for a month and a half. She can't go to school tomorrow but she can go to school the day after that. Today she can go home but she needs to rest." He said

"Thank you doctor Robert." My mom said.

He handed me my clothes that were in a bag. Everyone got out so I could change.

After I changed I got out of the room and everyone was outside the room. We headed towards the front of the hospital and everyone that I knew were here at the waiting room. My friends, teammates. Everyone was here. Once they all saw me they got up and walked towards me.

Steph hugged me first.

"Are you okay?" She said.

"Yes I'm fine." We both started tearing up. Then my team hugged us. I was happy to see them. Then we all let go.

I then saw Becky. She walked towards me. I looked away because I didn't really want to see her. I looked at Steph and she making me talk to her.

I then looked at Becky. She then hugged me. I hugged her back. Our hug was longer than anyone's hug.

"I'm sorry Becky." I said.

"It's okay. I forgive you." She said.

"Okay why don't we all hangout at the house." My mom said.

Everyone agreed.

Becky and I were going in my car. I opened the door for her and closed it properly.

I got in the drivers side and started the engine. I backed up from the parking lot and headed to my house.

"Sophia I'm sorry what I said yesterday." She said

"Trust me it's okay. I'm not bothered by that?" I said

"So your not like mad or weirded out about me liking you?" She said.

"No not really tbh. Umm I kinda already knew you liked me." I said while giggling.

"Are you serious?" She said.

"Yeah. You kinda made it obvious." I laughed

"How?" She said

"You would always be so nervous to talk to me. You couldn't really talk around me. And you always look at me." I said.

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