Its official

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Becky's POV:

Sophia was holding up a sign with a dozen of flowers in her hand. The sign said "Becky Gomez, Will you Be my Girlfriend?" I was in tears.

I walked up to her and cried in front of her. All she could do was smile.

"Yes. I will." I then kissed her on the lips. Everyone took pictures and started screaming. As we backed up we both holded the sign and I was holding my roses that people gave me and that my new girlfriend gave me. Everyone took so many pictures.

Gosh today was the happiest day of my life.

"Oh my god babe." I said

"What." She said with a huge smile.

"I can't believe you did this. This is so amazing." I said sweeping away the tears with my fingers.

"That was the whole point. I wanted to make this special." She holded me real close.

I couldn't stop smiling. I was so happy.

Sophia's POV:

I was getting nervous. Once I saw her she was so confused but then amazed when she saw me holding the sign and the roses in my hands. I couldn't stop smiling.

She started crying and I was really happy that she said YESSSSS!!!!

She was finally my girl. She was mine. I felt her lips on mine and I was deeply in love with this girl. I don't want anyone else but her. As we took our pictures everyone was crowding us. It's like if we were famous.

I carried Becky's bag and poster. We were walking around together. She was holding my hand.

"Oh my god babe you are so cute." She said

"Am I really?" I said with a smile.

"Yes. I can't believe you do this all for me."

"Well of course. There's no one else I want to be with. I just want to be with you." I said.

I noticed that she was blushing.

She took out her phone and was recording us together.

"Sophia." She said

"Yeah." I said and I looked at her.

"I love you." She said

"I love you too." At the end of the video we kissed

Her caption was "BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER 😍😘👭🔐🙈"

She showed it to me and it was the cutest thing ever. Then she posted it.

I took out my phone and took a video of my new girlfriend on snapchat.

"Babe." I said.

She looked at me and smiled real big then looked away

"Nooo stop babe." She said.

I turned the camera around an I kissed her cheek.

Then I posted it

"You are literally the best girlfriend ever." I said.

"Oh my god sophia stop." She said

We stopped at a palm tree. I holded her hand and all I could do was smile at her.

She kept taking videos of me.

"Babe voltea." She said

I turned to her and she kissed me. She backed up and posted the video.

See You Again (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now