Getting ready

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Sophia's POV:

"Shoot low ladies!! Hit the corners!!" Coach Jill yelled as we were scrimmaging

Lloyd passed me the ball and I passed the ball to Alex. Alex dribbled it up and she made a through pass and the ball when towards me. I one touched it and the ball goes in the net.

"Good job Sophia." Coach Jill yelled

We kept playing until we got what coach Jill wanted.

After about an hour we went to go get water.

We were all sweaty from working so dam hard.

After getting a drink of water we go back to getting prepared for tomorrow's game.

We all huddled around coach.

"You guys are doing great ladies. We just gottah keep our shape a lil more. If Lloyd is open to take a shit pass it to her. But everything else is great. Alright let's go out and do it again."

We went back and started again. Btw this scrimmage is more for the forwards. For the offensive players.

Hope kicked it up in the air. It was coming towards Lloyd. She easily trapped it and passed it to Steph. Steph jukes the defender and passes it to Alex. Alex dribbles it up towards the corner and passes it up to me in the air. I then header it in the goal.

"Yessss! GOOD WORK LADIES!! That's what I want to see at the game tomorrow !" Coach Jill yells in excitement.

Hope gets the ball from the goal and kicks it up in the air again.  Steph traps the ball and passes it to Lloyd. Lloyd takes it all the way up to the top of the goalie box. I was on the outside of the goalie box wide open. Lloyd passes it to me and I shoot it to the top right corner. Hope dives for it but it went through her fingertips and straight in the net.

"YESSS!! WAY TO GO LADIES!" Coach yelled

I smiled real big.

"Alright ladies that's it for today. Great work. Rest up for tomorrow's game."

"What time is the game coach?" I asked as I was heading towards our stuff.

"The game is at 2 but we have to wake up early to get to the stadium on time. We'll meet at the lobby at 10 in the morning to go eat breakfast. Then from there go the stadium. So get your stuff ready by the time you get to the lobby." She said

We all got our stuff and headed towards the bus.

I put my earbuds on and listen to music while we head back to the hotel.

About 5-10 minutes or so we get to the hotel. We get off the bus and head inside.

"Alright rest up ladies. Don't stay up too late. We got a game tomorrow. Alright see you guys tomorrow." Coach Jill said

We all head to our rooms. Like always it took us a while to get to our room like all the others.

We got to our floor and he'd to our room. I take out the room key and slide it in the machine. It unlocks and head inside.

"Ugh I'm so tired." Steph said

"Me too. My legs are so sore." I said.

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