Special friend?

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Becky's POV:

I check to see what she posted. I saw the picture and it was a pic of her and the team taking a selfie. Her caption was "all I need is my family right here."

I just took a breath and relaxed. I tried not getting this to anger me one bit.

Sophia's POV:

My head was hurting. I feel like I've been banging my head against a wall for a long time.

We were heading heading back to the hotel.

"What do you wanna do?" Steph asks me

"I kinda want to go to the beach." I said

"Alright. Maybe you can find someon.." I cut her off

"Steph right now is not the time to find someone. I just got heartbroken by my girlfriend and she doesn't have a clue that I know." I said with annoyance

We then stood quiet the whole ride to the hotel.

We stopped and the bus doors open. We all got off the bus and headed to our hotel rooms.

I slipped in the room key then opened the door.

We entered and we got our bikinis on. I had my bikini on I was jut getting a beach bag with waters, snacks, and sunscreen.

They will give towels there. We already a place reserved under a big green shade.

"You ready Steph?" I yelled

"Yeah hold up." She came out of the bedroom with a shirt and shorts on.

"Okay I'm ready." I put my sunglasses on and we headed out.

Moments later we were taken to our shade and waiters were coming in and out the shade.

We set our stuff next to the wooden beach beds and we lay down.

"Could I get you ladies something to drink?" The waiter asked

"I'll take a Sprite." I said

"Coke please." Steph replies

He then walks away.

"I don't think I'll find someone here." I said

"So you do want to meet someone." She says with a big smile

"No not exactly. I don't just want to move on like that. I mean I can't."

"I bet you $20 you'll find a girl here." I looked at her and she looked at me

"You got yourself a deal." As I reach over and stoke my hand out and we shook hands.

I then laid back down and relaxed.

I got up and headed to the water. Steph came along with me.

"Your so gonna lose." Steph says

"I sure hope not." I said

We walked into the water and it was refreshing it wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either.

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