Should I?

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Becky's POV:

It's been weeks now since Sophia has been gone. I've been staying at her mansion since she left. Paola let me stay here cause she know that I miss Sophia so deeply much. Every time Sophia has a game, her family comes down to the mansion and we all watch the game together.

School has been like hell without her. I'm always so tired of going to school. Honestly I haven't been dressing nicely for school. Most of the time I would come to school in my joggers and one of Sophia's sweatshirts, jackets, shirts.

Today I'm in 2nd period which is math. My teacher has been gone for a bit cause suppose ably she was going to wedding then to her uncles funeral for a whole week. So we've have this young sub. Her name is Ms. Gonzales. She looks like she's in her early 20ish. Maybe mid 20ies. She's been so nice to me but a huge bitch to everyone else.

"Alright class free time. Just keep it low. Don't be so loud." She said

Everyone takes out their phone. I take out mine too. I could see the teacher walk towards me. She sits right in front of me.

"Becky right?" She asks

I look up at her and respond back.

"Yeah that's me." I say confused

"Well your one smart girl."

"Thanks. I try so much in each class."

"I could tell. These other students are just clowns." I giggled at what she said

"Cute laugh."


"So tell me about you."

"Well I live in a ghetto neighborhood, I love music, I'm pretty dorky, I used to play sports, and idk I like shopping ." I laugh awkwardly

"Are you with anyone?"

"What do you mean?" I question

"Are you dating anyone?" She smiles

"Are you hitting on me?" I ask confused

"Would you freak out if I said a lil?" She smiles

"I'm dating someone."

"What's your sexuality?"

"I'm gay. I'm guessing your gay too."

"Yeah I am." She smiles at me

"How old are you?" 

"I'm 20. I just graduated. I graduated early." She smiles

"I'm not looking to be hit on or anything. I'm happy with my girlfriend."

"What's her name?"

"Sophia Monroy."

"The Sophia Monroy. The soccer player?"

"Yeah. That's my girlfriend."

"But how?"

"She comes here. She attends here. They called her a couple months ago that if she would play for them. I've known her since we were kids. I don't know how she fell for me honestly. I'm as confused as you are." I said

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