2nd half

91 2 0

Sophia's POV:

I kicked the ball and it goes toward the goalie. The ball spins to the right top hand corner. The goalie dives for it but it passes by her fingertips.

I run towards the right corner and I slide on my knees. All my teammates run to me and hug me.

I get up and we all run back to our side. As the other team started off the kick the ref blew it's whistle. That meant it was half time.

We all then head back to the locker room.

I quickly go in the locker room and enter into the recovery room I saw doctors and our coaches around Steph. Steph was laying down on a bed. I enter and everyone looks at me then back at Steph.

"How is she doc?" I said

"Well her shoulder isn't broken. It's fractured a bit. She hit the ground pretty hard. She just need to ice it and rest up." He said

"How long is she out for?" Coach Jill asked

"In her condition,maybe 1 week or so."

"So all we have to do is ice it and have her rest? For a week?!" I said

"Yes it is. It's not broken. It's just fractured. She just needs to rest. Let it heal itself." He said

"But we need her on the field." I said being upset

"Sophia, I know she's you care about her a lot and want to play together, but the doctor is right. She just needs to rest up and let the shoulder heal itself. It's only for a lil while. She'll get back on her feet playing on that field." Coach Jill tells me

I look at Steph and she was peacefully asleep. I touch her cheek with my left palm.

"Alright. Just as long as she comes back and plays." I said looking up at them.

"And she will. Come on. Let's let her rest." Coach Jill says as we all head back to the locker room.

Everyone was talking and chit chatting until we entered the locker room. Everyone stopped and looked at us.

We walked up to them and everyone crowds around me.

"How is she?" Alex says

"She fractured her right shoulder. The doctor said that she just need to ice it and rest up and let the shoulder heal itself." I said

"How long is she out for?" Abby asks

"A week or so. Depends on her shoulder." I said

We all sat down in chairs and looked at coach. I put my white towel around my neck and whipped the sweat on my face.

"Alright ladies. We're doing really well. Your passes are great, shots are on target. We just have to keep our shape more. We all move as a team. If you see someone on top of the box and their wide open, pass it to them because they might have a vision and a better shot to goal. Don't stop communicating. At first there was no communication. Later through the half I heard a lil more. Keep talking. Other than that, your all doing great." She said

We all just chilled around the locker room. I went to my stuff and I looked in my bag for my phone.

I had a ton of notifications. Instagram request,comments,likes,missed calls from family and random numbers,missed messages.

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