The end of a great person

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Becky's POV:

I had went inside and cried in my room. 

My phone started to ring. I picked it up and answered

"Hello?" I said

"Hello Becky. This is Sophia's mom." 

"Hello Ms. Monroy. Is everything okay?"

"Actually no. It's Sophia. She has been in a car accident. She has major injuries. She would like for you to be here." She says

"I'm on my way." I replied and hung up the phone. 

I got my car keys and ran to my car. 

I went as fast as I can to the hospital. 

As soon I got there I ran inside. 

I saw Sophia's mom in the waiting room. I walked towards her. 

"How is she?" 

"She's not good.  She is in bad condition. She isn't getting better Becky." 

"Are visiting hours open?" 

"No it's closed right now but they will be open in an hour." She said as she starts to cry. 

I sat in the waiting room until the visiting hours were open. 

After about an hour the doctors were letting people in to see Sophia. 

I was finally able to see Sophia. 

I entered her room and I saw Sophia lying there in bed with tubes attached to her. She had a neck brace, she was scratched up, bruised up, scars everywhere. She was in terrible condition. 

I pulled up a chair and sat next to Sophia's bed. 

I looked at her hand and held it. I kissed the palm of her hand and tears came down my cheek. 

"Sophia I am so sorry. This shouldn't have happened to you. If it wasn't for Justin you we would be home relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I love you Sophia. Please don't leave me babe. I love you baby. I remember the first time I saw you was when you were moving at the house near by us. I remember how shy you were. I also remember that I slept over at your house for about a week. I love how you always care for people. Just like how you cared for me when I fell off my bike one time and you were there to help me up and take me home. I miss those memories we had. I still want to make more memories with you. I want to marry you someday and hopefully have kids together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Sophia please do not leave me. I beg you I love you. Stay with me. Please." I then started crying while holding her hand. 

I don't want to lose Sophia. I want to keep her forever. She is too young to end her life. She has the whole world to look forward to. 

The doctor comes in and sees me crying. 

"I am sorry sweetheart but visiting hours are over for now." I then had to let go of her hand. I cried so much on the way out. 

I never left the hospital. I never went home. I never slept. I missed school to be here for Sophia. 

I need to make sure Sophia is okay. I can't leave and now Sophia is dying. 

I cannot lose Sophia. I love her. I have the rest of my life to do things with her. 

I saw my mom come into the hospital and she saw me siting down on the chairs. 

"Mija I heard what happen. You look terrible." My mom said 

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