Rough day?

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Sophia's POV:

"She's waking up." I heard someone say

I opened my eyes and I saw my teammates crowd around me. I looked around and I was laying down on a hotel bed. There was an ice pack on my forehead.

"What happen." I asked

"Someone grabbed you and punched you multiple times." Steph said

"Do you know who it was?" Abby asked

"No. Idk. I don't remember." I said

I started getting up. Everyone made room for me to walk to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and I was beat up badly. My eye was bruised my lip was cut. Most of my face was cut.

"Man. I look bad." I said

"Yeah you you do." Lloyd said

"Well put make up on it to cover the cuts and bruises." Alex said

I just kept looking at my face. It was really bad.

"Alright ladies. Back to your rooms." Coach said

Everyone started heading out.

"Will you be okay?" Coach asked

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine." I said

"I'll take care of her." Steph says

Coach then leaves the room closing the door behind her.

I got out of the bathroom and Steph looked at me. I heads towards the chair by the table. I sat in the chair and just suffered through the pain.

"Does it hurt a lot?" She said

"Yeah. I can feel it sting." I replied

She got up and walked towards me. We both just looked into each other's eyes. Then she hugged me really tight. She lets go and smiles.

"How's your hand?" She asks

I take out my fist which was wrapped around a white T shirt. She unwraps it and the shirt was covered in blood. My fist was still bleeding and it looked really bad. It was cut big time. Red spots and blood coming out.

"Hold on." She said

She ran to the bathroom and came back with some stuff. She places them on the table. She grabs a cotton and pours alcohol on the cotton

"No no no Steph!" I freaked

"This is gonna hurt." She then places the cotton on my fist.

I started shrieking from so much pain. She kept putting more and more. The more she put the more it hurt. She then put some cream on it. That felt pretty good.

She wrapped it around with sports tape.

"There you go." She says

"That hurt af." I said

"I'm glad you didn't punch me in the face."

"I was close." We both then laughed

"I'm hungry." I said

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