Its game day

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Sophia's POV:


I was woken up by the alarm by the bed. I turn off the snooze and wake up. It was 7:30 am. I head towards the walking closet and put on my green/black warm up jacket and sweatpants. I put on my white vans. I go to the bathroom and get my hair ready up into a ponytail.

After that I wake Steph up.

"Steph lets go its game day."

All she does is groan and doesn't move a muscle. I get on the bed and jump over her. I keep jumping until she wakes up.

"Okay okay I'm awake!" She complains.

She gets up and gets ready.

I get my soccer bag and check that I have everything in there.

I got my new cleats that coach Jill gave me, my shinguards, water, a lil white towel.

"Is my soccer bag next to my bed?" She asks

I check and respond "yes it is."

"Ca you hand it to me?"

"Yeah here." I pick it up and hand it to her

I go to the living room and pull out 3 cold waters for Steph.

I sit on the couch and watch tv.

Luckily there was a BARCA game on. I watch it and BARCA was winning 2-0 it's barely the first half.

"BARCA is playing." I yelled

"What's the score?"

"2-0. First half."

10 minutes later Steph has her stuff ready and we watch the game together

"What time is it?" She says

"It's 8:22."

"What time do we have to meet them down there?"


After watching a good game of soccer we get our things and head down to the lobby.

We saw coach Jill and some of the players. We sat by them and moments later more players start to come.

"Who else are we missing?" Coach Jill says

We look around to see who was still missing.

"Carli, Johnson, and Sydney." Alex says

We wait a lil longer. I check to see what time it was and it was 10:15.

We than saw Carli, Johnson, and Sydney walk towards us.

"Alright let's go." Coach said as we all got up.

Fans were crowding the door. Guards kept ahold of them. We got onto the bus and headed out to eat breakfast.

Steph fell asleep on my shoulder. I was on my phone looking at the posts that I posted when we went to the Statue of Liberty. So many likes and comments.

The bus stopped and we all got off to go eat.

We all ate together and we all had pancakes with bacon. Then we all had yogurt. After that we headed back to the bus and to the stadium.

Coach stood up and walked towards the front of the bus.

"Alright ladies. It's game day. Today is day 1. We go out there and we're gonna fight and show them what we got. We're gonna put our 100% effort into that field. Show them what you've been fighting for. Don't give up. Keep trying. Keep fighting. Don't let them get into your head. If they push you, you push them back. Play by the game of the rules and like I said don't give up on anything." Coach said

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