Dont mess with us

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Becky's POV:

"My friends and I were following Steph and Sophia today. They headed to the back of the 300 building. We heard yelling and banging on the wall. Once Austin and his friends walked away from the back, we checked and there was no one there. All we saw was blood on the floor. The day before Sophia and Steph went to the 400 building boys bathroom. We got close to hear. We heard yelling, slapping, banging, and a lot of punching. We saw Austin and his friends come out of the bathroom with bloody hands." I said to everyone in the room.

Sophia's mom was crying so much.

"Thank you Becky." Sophia's mom said.

Sophia then entered the room. She sat next to her mom.

"Okay well Austin and his friends are expelled and in jail for 6 months." The principle said.

The guys got up and put they're hands behind they're backs. The cops handcuffed them and took them to the police car. When they headed to the front of the school it was just in time when it was lunch. Everyone was looking and recording.

The consequences for sophia and Steph was to go to Saturday school twice. That's all. We were sent home early. All of us. Me, Steph, Sophia, Monica, and Destiny. We were getting out through the office and we were all in front of the school.

"Do you guys need a ride?" Sophia's mom asked to me, Monica and Destiny.

"Oh no I have my car." Monica said.

"I'm riding with Monica. But I think Becky would like a ride." Destiny said.

"Sophia why won't you give this young lady a ride home." When I saw her reaction she was really mad at me.

"Okay." She said with annoyance.

We walked to her car. She opened the door for me then slammed it when I was inside.

I don't think I felt comfortable riding with Sophia.

She got it the car and started the engine. We backed up and headed to my house. At first it was quiet. I'd guide her to where my house is.

"Sophia are you mad at me?" I said.

"Why did you have to tell? Like tbh it was none of your business." She said

"I did it because I was worried about you and Steph.  Don't you understand that?!" I said

"No I don't understand why you care so much about me!" She yelled.

"Because I like you Sophia!" I covered my mouth with my hand. I couldn't believe I said that.

She looked ahead and didn't say a word after that. After about 10 minutes of driving we finally got to my house. I opened the door and before I shut it I had to ask her

"Do you want to come in or get anything to drink?"

"No I have to get home." She said.

"Okay." I shut the door and she drove away really fast. I just walked into the house depressed and heartbroken.

I go to the kitchen and my parents are standing there with they're crossed arms and looking tough.

"How was school Becky?!" My dad said weirdly


"The principle called. He said that you told a story about the 2 girls that got beat up. Who were the girls?" My mom said.

"Sophia and Steph." I said.

"Who's this Sophia girl? Do we know her?" My mom said.

"Yeah you do. She went to my elementary school. She's always been in the same class as me since we were in the 2nd grade." I said.

"Sophia Monroy? The soccer player?" My dad said.

"Yes the soccer player." I said.

"Man that girl can play. We'd like to meet her soon if that's okay." My dad said.

"Well right now isn't a good time. She's mad at me." I said

"Why?" My mom said.

"Because I told the principle what happen to her and now the guys that beaten them up were expelled and sent to jail for 6 months." I said

"You saved her and her best friend. She might be mad at you now but she will apologize later." My dad said.

"Okay well I'm gonna go do my homework." I then walked upstairs to my room.

The Next Day

Sophia's POV:

I didn't want to go to school. I'm not feeling it today. All I feel is the numbness on my face. I got up and looked in the mirror of my bathroom. I looked so bad. My right eye was swollen. My lip had a huge cut. My chin had a huge cut and all the other parts of my face was either bruised up or had many cuts.

Today I was just gonna put black Adidas sweatpants, Alex Morgan's U.S. jersey and white vans. My hair was straightened down over my shoulders.

I went downstairs and all I had for breakfast was a protein shake and a granola bar. I got in my car and drove to school 10 minutes early.

I parked my car in the parking lot, turned off my engine, played loud rap/hip hop music, laid my seat back and fell asleep for a lil bit.

Moments later I checked to see what time it was. It was 7:12 am. I got out of the car and I saw Monica's car next to me. I rolled my eyes and walked to the school. Students would look at me weird. Maybe it's because of my face.

As I was waking towards the school I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and I got punched in the face. I fell to the ground holding my face with the pawns of my hands. I look to see who it was and it was Austin and his friends. I got picked up by Austin's friends. They holded me from my arms.

Austin would punch me in the stomach multiple times.

"It doesn't feel good does it Sophia!" He then punched me again.

"This is why you don't let your friends know what we do with you!" This time he punched me even harder.

I yelled and cried from the pain at how much it hurt.

He lifted up my head so I'd look at him.

"Don't ever mess with us sophia! EVER!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!???" I didn't say anything.

"I'm talking to you MONROY!!!" He yelled. He then punched me in the face.

"HEY YOU!!!" I heard someone yell.

"YOU GUYS GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Sounded like a voice of a man.

I was dropped to the ground and all the guys that were with me ran to there car and drove away. All I saw was blurriness. I could barley see.

I saw this man come up to me. I couldn't really see who it was. Then I saw girls around me. It looked like my best friends. I could kinda hear.

"Someone call 911." The man yelled

From that point, my eyes shut and I didn't see a thing.

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