What a suprise

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Sophia's POV:

So I'm waiting for the doctor to come and release me so I could go home. I was laying down in bed watching tv while Becky went to go get a snack since she hasn't eaten all day and she stayed up with me all night.

Moments later the doctor comes in with my clothes in a bag. He sets it on the chair next to me.

"Alright well. You are pretty healthy now. Just umm..you have to be a little careful. You can't do any sports for a couple of months. Maybe 2-3 months. Most likely 2. I think the scar on your hip will heal up by 2 months. Don't go to school today or tomorrow. Right now you need to rest. Don't do a lot of movement. Other than that you're all good."

"Could I still drive?"

"Yes you may but just be careful."

"Thank you."

"Okay you are free to go." He said

He then walked out so I could change.

I changed quickly but carefully.

After I changed I open the door and I walk out to the waiting room. My parents were there waiting with Becky. Once they saw me, they all stood up and hugged me.

"What did the doc say?" My dad said

"Well I'm off from sports for 2 months. I come back in 2 months or so to take off the stitches. I cant do a lot of movement. I have to rest today and tomorrow so I don't go to school today or tomorrow."

"Can you still drive?" My mom said

"Yeah I can. I just have to be carful."

"Okay well let's get home." My dad said

We all walk out and head to our cars.

Becky and I were going in my car. She wanted to drive so I won't get hurt.

"Are you going to my house?" I asked

"Yeah. My car is at your house. I went with your parents to the hospital so." She said

We headed home and I fall asleep.

Becky's POV:

I drove to Sophia's house since she just came from the hospital and she was really tired. She fell asleep when she got in the car.

I pull up towards the driveway. There were a couple cars here because Sophia's family and friends were here. They came to see her because they heard what happen. Sophia didn't know anything about this.

I shook her and she woke up.

"We're home babe." She took off her seat belt and opened the door. I got out of the car fast and ran to Sophia's side. Her brother came and helped her out the car. I closed the door and we helped her walk to her house. I opened the door and Sophia's eyes grew bigger when she saw everyone.

There was a huge sign hung up which said "Welcome Home Sophia."

Sophia's POV:

I got home and everyone was here. I hugged everyone carefully.

I was happy everyone was here.

After saying hi to everyone my brother helped me sit down on a tall chair.

My friends were around me asking what happen. I told them the story and they were more scared than I was.

I showed them my stitches and they were so scared.

We all went upstairs to my room. I tried to go upstairs by myself but it was hard. Once I made it to my room I laid down on my bed. My back was against the wall.

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