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Sophia's POV:


I hit the alarm clock and I sat up. I stood up and started stretching. I went to my closet and I started looking through clothes.

The team had to wear their black and white US jacket. So I wore a white shirt, the jacket, black and white adidas, and White & Black Superstar Sneakers.

My hair was nice and straightened. I woke up Steph and she started getting ready.

I got my beats and my phone was 100% charged.

After about 20 minutes we were all ready to go.

"You ready?" I said

"Yeah." I opened the door and we headed down to the lobby.

We saw coach and a couple of the players waiting.

After about 30 minutes or so everyone was here. We decided to stop by at ihop and eat breakfast.

We headed to our tour bus but had to pass by crazy fans.

Hours passed and we made it to the studio. We were all stuffed from eating breakfast at ihop.

We entered the building and a young guy came to us.

"Ahhh so this is the team?" He says

"Yup this is my team." Coach replies

He led us to the back of the building and we were gonna go one by one to get interviewed. The other will be in the break room. The break room looked like a game room. There was arcade games, tv, a jukebox, hair hockey table, vending machines.

We all headed to the game room and just waited to get called.

I was listening to music and I had one ear bud on. Steph tapped my shoulder and I saw the look on her face. She was looking at the air hockey table. I just smiled.

We got up and started playing. We played rounds after rounds of air hockey. She beat me 3 times but I beat her 5.

"Haaaaa I win." I cheered

"You feel better?" She asks I was so confused

"What do you mean?"

"I made you play to get your mind off things and just to have fun." I looked down for a sec and then smiled at her. I went up to her and hugged really tight.

"Thank you." I said

"Your welcome." We let go and sat on the couch. Before she sat down she looked at me.

"What?" I said

"You want anything?" She said while pointing back at the vending machines.

"Yeah sure. Anything is fine." She smiles and walks away.

I unlock my phone and go on Instagram. I look through my feed, my comments, likes. I was looking at pictures of me and Becky together. Us being so happy together.

I posted a random picture and announced that everyone should go on channel 3 cause you'll see the team get interviewed.

A couple of tears were going down my cheek. I quickly wiped them away before Steph came.

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