Is she okay?

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Sophia's POV:

I got out of my car and waited for Steph and my friends to meet me in the schools parking lot.

Moments later they walked with me to the social table.

"Have you moved on from her yet?" Steph said

"Not really. But I hope I do because I want to meet other people without thinking about her." Alexa and Austin were there at the table making out.

I just sat down away from them.

5 minutes later..

Out of nowhere my group gets up and like walk away from the table a lil bit. I was so confused on what was going on. Was there a fight or something?

"Sophia?!" Steph said frightened.

"Yeah?" I said confused.

"Your not going to believe this."

"What?!" She grabbed my hand and she pointed to this girl. It..looked like.. Becky?!

Whoa what?! Oh my god she changed. But why?

"Is that.." Steph said

"Becky? Yeah that's her." I said not keeping my eyes off Becky.

"What should we do?" I said.

"Soph you can't just approach her right away thats weird. Just wait til 1st period to talk to her." Haley said.

"Your right." We all then went to go sit back down.

10 minutes later the bell rings so we all head to 1st period. Today we are changing seats. My friends and I entered class and sat in the back.

We were all messing around. Until Becky walked in. Everyone stopped what they were doing and they looked at Becky. The class grew silent.

Becky sat in the front of the class with Destiny. Wow Becky looked amazing.

"Hay I'll be right back.." I said getting up.

"Are you gonna go talk to her?" Steph asked

I walked toward Destiny and I was so nervous.

"Hey..umm Destiny.. Do you have..a pen I can..borrow?" I said so nervous.

"Yeah. Sophia are you okay?" Destiny said while looking through her bag.

"Yeah yeah.." I said nervously.

"Are you sure? Is there something distracting you." Destiny said handing me the pen.

"No no. Thanks." I then walked to the back of the class.

Becky's POV:

Sophia came up to us for a pen. A PEN. Isn't that so weird. Sophia rarely goes up to Destiny.

"Did you see what she did?" Destiny said

"Yeah. She just came just to see me."

"And she was nervous af. Did you see that. Oh my god she really likes you."

"I think she only likes me because I changed. I don't think she likes me for me."

"You never know Becky. Sophia can be different than all the popular girls. Sophia does not hangout with people that are judgmental."

"Yeah I guess." The bell rung and the class started.

"Okay students were having a seating chart so everyone get up, take your stuff and walk to the front of the class." The teacher said.

We all did what was said.

The teacher then started going on with the names.

"Becky in the 3 seat in the 3rd row." I then went and sat down. I looked at the people that were still left. Steph sat in front of me. Hayley sat next to Steph. Behind me was Paola. Sitting to my left side was Destiny. We weren't going to be partners if we were to work with them. Then the teacher started with the 4th row.

It was Sydnie, Julia, then Sophia. Oh my god Sophia was going to be my partner. She was walking to her seat and before she sat down she smiled at me.

The whole seating chart went on.

"Okay now those are your permanent seats. Now we only have a lil bit of time so talk to your partner and get to know them better." The teacher said.

I turned to look at Sophia and she was already looking at me. I didn't need to tell her about me because she already knows about my life.

"New style?" Sophia said.

"Yeah I guess you can say."

"But why?"

"I just wanted a new look. Why is it bad?"

"No no it's not. It looks good on you actually."

"Aww thanks Soph."

"Your welcome."

"So when's soccer tryouts? For the school?"

"Oh they're not until November."

"Oh that's a long time."

"Are you gonna try out?" She said.

"No no I'm not a sports kind of person. Well I see it but I don't play it."

"Oh okay. Well I go to like practices that they have. You know to train you to be a better athlete."

"Trust me you don't need that. You'll make it to varsity easily."

"Thanks. I don't need to try out tho. I'm already on the team."

"See your good."

"I guess you can say that."

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm a try hard. I try so hard in everything. In sports, in school, in relationships. Like you might think I just got popular easily but no I didn't. It took me so much work and so much pain. I tried so hard for people to like me and it took me so long. I just..I just try so hard to make everyone like me."

"And they do. Everyone loves you. Do you know how many people want to be just like you?"

"Because I try. If i didn't try I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be standing here happy at the world. I would be miserable everyday of my life. I would never come to school because I would be so annoyed from people making fun of me. First day of school in freshman year I was bullied emotionally and physically. I was beaten up every time when I got the the bathroom. I would have to give my lunch money to the seniors because if I didn't I would have gotten beaten up. I still did anyway. I've been through so much shit. Yeah I have a perfect life now but if you would've saw in the beginning of my high school would understand."

"Oh my god sophia I didn't know.." The bell then ring and Sophia ran out of the door like a bullet. She pushed people out of the way.

I didn't know those things happened to her.

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