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Becky's POV:

My life has turned out to be what I've always wanted. Now I have it.

I got the girl I've always wanted. I never wanted anyone else. I've always wanted her and only her.

Today we went to Belmont Park. It was an amazing day just being with her. I love her with all my heart

"This was the best day of my entire life you know that?" I said

"No I didn't." She said

"Well you do now and I'm in love with you Sophia". I said

She holded me real close and she kissed my head.

We were close to the water on the beach. The waves would come and touch our feet. We were both looking towards the ocean.

My head was on her shoulder. Her hand was holding mine.

Man I can't think of anything better than this.

I looked at Sophia and she seemed sad.

"What's wrong babe?" I said

"Oh it's nothing." She said

"No come on tell me." I said

"Trust me it's nothing." She said


"It's my uncle.." She said

"What about him?"

"He's dying. He's fighting so much but he's not getting better.." She said

"What's he fighting for?" I said

"Cancer in his lungs." She said looking down.

"Babe everything is going to be okay? Do you understand?" I said.

I saw a tear coming down her cheek.

I hugged her tight and she put her head on my shoulder.

I couldn't believe what was happening to her uncle.

"He will be fine okay? Can you trust me?" I said.

She sniffed then nodes her head up and down.

She pulls up her head and looks away.

"Can I see your face please?" I said

"No I look bad." She said while crying.

"Come on." I turn her around and her eyes were red. Her tears were all over her face. I wiped all her tears away.

"You don't look bad okay? You look beautiful like always." All she did was smile and looked away.

"Okay you don't have to lie to me." She said with a smile.

"I'm being serious." I said.

I pulled her face toward me and kiss her lips. I put my arms around her neck and I feel her hands by my waist.

I pull back and all we do is smile. We touch foreheads.

"Do you feel better?" I said

"Way better." She said

We hold hands and head back home.

"I'm taking you home." She said

"Can you stay at my house?" I said

"Oh no. I don't want to be a bother." She said

"You won't. Trust me. Come on please." I begged

"Oh alright." She said smiling.

She opened the door for me to her car. I get in and she closes the door. She goes to the driver seat and we drive away.

10 minutes later

We get to my house. She parks by the sidewalk. She turns off the car and she goes and opens the door for me. We get out and head inside.

My mom and dad were in the living room.

"Mom, dad I'm home." I said

We got to the living room and they see us holding hands.

"Are you guys now a couple?" My dad said

"Yes we are." I said

"Welcome to the family Sophia." My mom said.

"Thank you Mrs. Gomez." She said

"Is she staying the night?" My mom said

"Yeah she is. Is that okay?" I said

"Yeah that's fine." My mom said

We headed up to my room.

I open the door and she looks around.

"Your room is pretty big." She said

"Ehhh it's alright. My room is a mess."

"No it's not. It's clean."

She looks outside the window. She kept looking and wouldn't stop.

"I remember living across your house. We'd always play everyday after school. We rode the bus together. We'd sleepover at each other's house. We'd go to the market and buy junk food. We'd do everything together." She said

"Yeah we did. Until you moved houses. You moved a lil far from me. You still went to my school but you'd hangout with other people that I didn't know. That's the reason why we stopped talking. Since then you changed." I said. She then looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You got popular by the 4th grade. Then your popularity began to grow. On the other hand for me, I didn't get popular. I only had 2 friends which was Monica and Destiny. I had a couple more but not like you. You have like 100 friends maybe even more. Everyone loves you Sophia. Your the richest person in the whole school now. You'll be famous by the end of the school year. Just watch." I said

"Okay yeah but I didn't get to decide that. I just became popular for just being me. I didn't jump off from a helicopter just to be noticed. All I did was make friends and play soccer that's it. Somehow the popularity grew and its continuing to grow. But if I'm going to be famous, your going to be famous with me."

"How? I'm a loser."

"Trust me. You'll be more famous than me. You'll be more popular than me."


"If you let everyone hear your music."

"No I can't. Sophia I can't."

"Yes you can trust me. Can I hear one at least? Please?"

"No. I do it privately."

"That's fine." She said then looked back at the window.

"Hold on." I told her. I left the room and went to set up my stuff in the music room.

I went back to the room and told Sophia to follow me. I lead her to the music room. I sat her in the seat by all the buttons.

"This is where you sing and write songs?" She said

"Yes. I'm mostly the one that uses the room. No one from my family usually comes in here." I said.

I was on the computer that was there and was bringing up all the songs I've recorded.

"Which song do you want to listen too?" I said

"Whichever. Which one is your best one that you like." She said

I looked through the songs and I selected "Shower."

The song started playing and I looked at Sophia to see what she thought.

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