Scary but exciting

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Becky's POV:

I tired calling her and texting. Her but there was no answer. After about 15 minutes of trying to contact her she finally calls me.

B-"Sophia?" I said.

?-"Hay Becky this is Jessica. Sophia's lil sister. Sophia isn't here right now. I'll let her know you called her."

B-"Wait but isn't that her phone? Where did she go?"

J-"She said she was going to some friends house. I don't know who's."

B-"Thanks Jess." Than I hung up.

A friends house? And leaves her phone at her house? That's so weird

Sophia's POV:

I'm driving down the freeway and I take the next exit. I then turn to the right and go into a small parking lot. I park my car and get out. I head to a small apartment. I knock on the apartment she lives in. The door opens and she comes out. I put a big smile on my face cause her and I haven't talked as much anymore.

"Sophia." She pulls me into a hug

"Steph. It's been a while huh?" I said

"Yeah it has. Come in come in." I enter into her small apartment.

"How you been Steph?" I said

"Good good. Do you want anything? Water? Soda?"

"I'll take a soda please." As she gets me a soda she asks me a question

"How are you and Becky?" She asked while handing me the Pepsi.

"We're good. Yeah umm everything's good."

"Okay what's wrong." She said


"Sophia I know you very well. Now I'm gonna ask you again and I don't want to hear nothing from you."

"Just it bothers me when her family asks about us but they don't know we're dating."

"Soph it's too soon anyway. She'll eventually tell her family. Right now it's just too soon and you know that."

"No your right. Idk why I should be worried."

"You really care about her don't you?"

"Of course. I just hated how Alexa and all the popular kids bully them. Call them names you know? Just sitting there and watching that, it hurt me so much. I couldn't believe I just sat there watching. I feel so dumb."

"Sophia. It's okay. We're all afraid. We're afraid of saying something and getting bullied. Becky doesn't hate you because you didn't step up and say something. No one is blaming you for anything. Don't blame yourself for anything."

"I know but just seeing that in front of my own eyes hurt. Seeing her get bullied by Alexa hurt."

"Now it's over. Your here now with Becky to protect her from anything that's gonna hurt her right?"


"Then I don't get what's the problem. You have the girl you want. What else is there that you need?"

"What if something happens and it ruins everything. The memories of when we were kids. The fun moments. Our childhood."

"Don't think about what if what if. Just focus about you and her lasting forever. You and her in the future."

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