Coming home

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Sophia's POV:

15 hours later

We have finally landed in San Diego Airport. We got off the plane and headed inside the airport.

We walked to the elevator to go to the first floor. I saw a group of people with posters that say "Welcome Home Sophia." "Welcome Home Steph." "Soccer Champions."

Those people were my family, Stephs family and friends. We got off the elevator and ran to them. We hug them so tight. I hugged my parents first but everyone crowded me and Steph.

"We missed you so much." My mom says to us

After hugging everyone we went to get our luggage. After getting our luggage, my family and stephs family went to go meet the coach and players.

"Thank you so much for having Sophia and Steph on this team." My dad says to the coach and team.

"No thank you for having them play with us. They are amazing players. They seriously amazed us." Coach says

"Yeah they did. They kicked some butt on the field. Never seen someone so skilled and know the game by heart before." Abby says

"What do you mean?" My dad says

"They know which way is best to pass to without even thinking. They pass the ball so perfectly to the players. Their shots are on target. Someone like that at this age, it's impressive." Abby says

"Yeah they've always been like that." He says

"Well sir, you have some talented girls." She says then walks away

We all said our goodbyes to each other

"We will contact you for a nice easy practice and friendly scrimmages." Coach says

I went up to coach and hugged her

"You really put on a show each game and practice." She says

"Just playing my game coach."

"Keep playing like yourself. Don't let anyone bring you down."

"Trust me I won't." She gave me a pat on the back and we headed our separate ways.

My dad helped me with my luggage. We got to the car and my dad put the luggage in the trunk.

"Alright we came in a bunch of cars. Who do you want to go with? Do you want to go with Becky?" My dad asks

I looked at Steph and Becky was leaning against her car talking to Paola and Hayley.

"No I rather go with you guys." I said

"Are you sure you don't want to go with Becky?" He says

"Dad please. I'm tired and I want to go home."

"Okay okay I just thought since.." I cut him off politely

"Dad can we go now."

I open the car door and got in. Steph coming in the car behind me.

"Alright we'll all meet at Sophia's mansion." My dad shouts to the family and friends. My mom and dad gets in the car and we drive away.

I just look out the window and my mind is just crazy. I had to think about what I'm going to want. Becky basically cheated on me. End of story.

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