They're in danger

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Sophia's POV:

My mouth was hurting. My lip was bleeding and I could barely move my body.

"I don't get it. Why us? What did we do?" Steph said.

"Look we don't know anything but we got to keep doing this. If we don't obey to his commands were gonna die. He even said it." I said almost crying.

"Soph we gotta tell." Steph said crying.

"Are you kidding?! Do you have any idea what they'd do to us?! Look were in this together okay? We don't tell anyone about what has happen the last couple days. Is that clear?" I said.

"Yes." We were going to stay at Hayley's house for tonight because we didn't want our moms finding out right away.

I texted my mom and she said it was fine. So did Stephs mom.

We arrived at Hayley's driveway and we could barley get out of the car. We entered her house and when she saw us, she was so scared because we were so bad condition.

"Oh my god you guys look terrible."

"My face hurts like hell." Steph said.

"Come in. Sit down." Hayley said.

Steph and I entered. Hayley's mom was in the kitchen. She turned to look at us and she was so frightened.

"Oh my god. What happen to you girls?!" Hayley's mom said so scared.

"We can't say." I said.

"Why not?" Her mom said.

"We just can't say. Even if we tried. We just can't." I said so scared.

Steph looked at me and I nodded side to side.

Hayley brought the first aid kit and was cleaning our face.

"Can you at least tell me." Hayley said quietly.

"If only we could Hay." I said.

"Btw I backed you 2 up today." Hayley said.

"What do you mean?" Steph said

"The teacher asked where you were. I said that you 2 left early."

"Thanks Hay." I said.

She gave us a quick smile then kept cleaning our face.

After 20-30 minutes of our faces getting cleaned up, me Steph and Hayley went upstairs to Hayley's room.

"Hey Hayley can I take a quick shower?" I asked.

"Yeah. Do you want to borrow some clothes to sleep in?" She said.

"Yeah that's fine. Thanks." I said

Hayley tossed me a faded tie die shirt and blue soccer shorts.

I took a quick shower but the suckish part was that I had to take a shower with cold ass water. Why? Because my cuts would sting. The cold water would sting just a lil.

After 10 minutes I dried myself and changed. I stepped out of the bathroom and I laid down on Hayley's bed.

Steph took a shower and it was just me and Hayley in the room.

"You know you can trust me with anything right?" She said looking up at the ceiling.

"No Ik. There's just a thing that I can't say or it's more like my privacy know." I said

"No no Ik that I'm just saying tho." She said

"Yeah of course." I said back

The Next Day

I woke up instantly out of nowhere. I look at my phone and it was 4:30 am. I couldn't go back to sleep I tried so much but I couldn't.

I got up and I went through Hayley's closet. I borrowed Adidas training pants, a white plain shirt, and I was going to wear the same hoodie as I wore yesterday.

The whole time I was bored on my phone. There was nothing to do. I just put on my ear buds and played some music. Then went back to sleep.

I was then woken up moments later. It felt like 3 minutes but it was actually 2 hours.

Hayley was cleaning like a crazy person.

"Hay Hayley I borrowed some clothes from you. Is that okay?" I said

"Yeah that's fine." She said

We then headed downstairs to eat some breakfast.

We we were having some pancakes and bacon. After that we got our stuff and headed to school. Today I was not ready to face school again.

Becky's POV:

I was tired. I didn't feel like going to school. I just wanted to be home and left alone.

I got picked up by Monica and I was silent the whole time.

"Becky she's going to be fine trust me." Monica said

"Okay so what your saying is that Steph and Sophia got beat up by the Varsity Football players?" Destiny said

"Yeah that's what I'm saying. The guys came out with bloody hands. I'm pretty sure they beat up Sophia and Steph." I said.

I was worried sick about Sophia and Steph.

We parked our car in the same spot it was yesterday. Sophia's car was next to ours.

We then walked towards the school. We entered the office. We asked if we can talk to the principle.

10 minutes later we were in the principles office.

"So your saying that Sophia Monroy and Stephanie De La Parra for some reason went to the boys 400 building bathroom and the varsity Football players came out with bloody hands?" The principle said

"Yes and I'm pretty sure they've done it to them before because Sophia and Steph came late to class yesterday. They had they're hoodies up and black sunglasses on. They always kept looking at the ground. They would never make eye contact with you. But I'm pretty sure Austin and his friends had to do something with all this. When have you seen a student with a hoodie, wear black sunglasses, and only looks down or away? Never right? So I think you should watch all of them and stay after school by the boys 400 building bathroom and make sure they're not beating up the girls." I said trying not to cry.

"Okay thank you ladies. Well keep an eye on them." He said.

We got up and walked out of his office.

"Good job Becky." Destiny said.

"I'm just worried for them. Like I hate when people get beaten up." I said trying not to tear up.

We then just started walking around. As we were walking I saw Steph and Sophia walk between the 700 and 300 building. We kinda followed them. They walked to the back of the 300 building. We peeked to see where they were going and we saw the football team. Sophia and Steph were standing in front of Austin. We backed up so we can hear what was happening.

At first we just heard whispering but then we heard yelling.

"You what?!" Sounded like Austin's voice

"We don't want to work with you anymore." Sophia said im pretty sure.

"Look. You 2 are still working! Do you remember what I said?!" Austin said.

"Look we don't want to do this anymore. We're tired and sore. Teachers are worried and so is our parents. Can we please just stop?!" Sophia said

We then heard banging and punching.

I looked at Monica and I was about to cry. We then walked a lil bit far from the back.

"They are totally beating up Sophia and Steph." I said worried.

We then saw Austin and his friends walk away from the back. They passed by us and they kept walking. I saw Austin's hand and it was bloody.

I couldn't believe it..

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