Knowing the truth

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Becky's POV:

I really wanted to go to the back to see how they were.

"I'm gonna go check." I said

I walked to the back slowly. I took a peek and I didn't see anyone.

What I did see was blood all over the floor. I then screamed really loud. Monica and Destiny came running to me. They covered they're mouths when they saw the blood. We all then took pictures of the stains on the ground. I had to show the principle.

We walked towards the office but then we saw the principle outside of the office we ran to him and showed him the pictures. He then took us to his office.

"When we're these pictures taken?" He said.

"Just right now." I said.

"Where?!" He said worried.

"Behind the 300 building." He then picked up the phone and dialed 911

"Yes police?" He said.

"Yeah we need you guys here at Olympian High school right away." He said

"Yeah there is beating here at school." He said.

"Okay thank you." He then hung up and looked at us.

"Okay well we want you 3 here when the police comes and show them the stains." He said to us.

"Okay. Are you going to let our teachers know that we're gonna miss class?" I said.

"Yes. I'll let them know. Just wait outside the office." He said.

We walked out and sat in chairs that were outside his office.

Moments later we heard the bell ring.

Sophia's POV:

I was sitting in my seat tapping my fingers on my desk. I haven't seen Becky in the morning. I always see her. The bell rung and she still wasn't here. I wonder where she is.

"Don't worry so much. She might be sick." Steph said

5 minutes later Sunny, a security at school came in class. He went to talk to my teacher and she kept looking at us when he was talking to her.

"Sophia, Stephanie, get your stuff your going with Sunny." Everyone in class made that ooooooo sound.

We got our stuff and hopped on the golf cart. While we drove to the office for some reason, we saw Austin and his friends with the principle.

As we headed to the principles office we saw Becky, Destiny, and Monica sitting outside the office. I looked so confused. We sat next to them.

"What are you doing here?" I said

"Had to do what's right." Becky said.

"You did this?!" I said

"Sophia I was worried. Please I did it for your own good." Becky said

"No don't! I can't believe you! You got into my business?!" I said.

"Sophia I'm sorry.." Becky said

"Don't talk to me!" I said in frustration. I moved away from her. The principle came and sat Austin and his friends down beside us.

"Okay Sophia and steph come with us. You 3 girls too." We all go into the office. Steph and I sit on the chairs in front of his desk while all the other 3 girls stand behind us.

"Okay so first im going to ask that you please take off your hoodies and sunglasses." He said

Steph and I looked at each other and did what we were told. As we took off our sunglasses the principles reaction was the reaction I didn't want to see.

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