Its time

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Sophia's POV:

"Can we go please?" I said to Austin.

"Why? Are you bothered by this?!"

I didn't say anything.

"Hay cutie!" Austin yelled. The girl turn to us than kept walking.

"Where is the way to loser town!" Everyone laughed except me.

"Can we go now?!" I said annoyed.

"You know what Sophia I'm getting tired of you! Why don't you get out of my car!" I got out and just walked home.

Austin was such an asshole. All I wanted was to get home.

I looked up and the girl was looking at me while walking. I quickly walked passed her. As I was waiting for the light to be green so I can walk I felt goosebumps all over my body for some reason.

I walked faster and turned the corner to go to my house. The girl kept following me. Does she live by me? Is she stalking me? I was about to enter my house until something catches my eyes.

I saw a Lamborghini Veneno in my driveway. I thought I was dreaming. I scratched my eyes to make sure this was real. I touched the car and it was real. I ran inside and I saw my parents together with their hands behind there backs.

"How was school sweetheart?" My mom asked so innocent.

"Bad. Austin won't be giving me any rides home anymore."

"Well that sucks but guess what you have?"

"Does it have to do with that Lamborghini Veneno?" My dad took out the keys from pocket and tossed it to me.

"It's mine?" Freaking out

"All ours."

"But how? They're not in the U.S. anymore?!"

"I know a friend Sophia." My dad said.

I hugged them tight and went to go give my car a test drive. I loved my parents so much. Can't wait to see Austin's face when he sees this.

Suppose ably Austin has the best car in the school. Right now he drives a white Range Rover. He owns so many cars. He has a bugatti veyron, dodge challenger 2015 srt8, mustang 2015 cobra, bmw 2015 i8, and camaro 2020 concept.

He's like the richest kid in school. His dad works for so many car companies and his dad is the boss of the companies so they give him free cars and stuff. He also owns 3 expensive hotels.

Just wait till he sees my car. He's gonna blow. My car is the most expensive car in the world. It's suppose ably $4.4 million. I have no idea how my dad got this.

The cars that my family owns is a dark brown ford truck f150 4x4, black honda hrv 2015, navy blue bmw m3, an old school jeep truck, rio kia 2004, and suzuki r6 motorcycle.

Yeah I don't have the best cars in the world like Austin. But I do now. The Lamborghini Veneno is my baby now.

The Next Day

I was woken up by my favorite song. It was wanted by Hunter Hayes. I check my phone and it was Alexa calling me. I picked it up and answered.

"Yeah wassup love." I said tiredly.

"Do you want me to pick you up today?"

"No. My dad got me a new car."

"What that Kia car!" She started laughing.

"Fuck you Alexa." Then I hung up.

I got up and got dressed. I was going to wear my Hollister navy blue jeans, black v neck shirt, white vans and my hair was straighten down over my shoulders.

I went downstairs in the happiest mood ever.

I ate pancakes and bacon. I ate it really quick. Then I went upstairs to brush my teeth. I came back downstairs and told my mom I was leaving.

Jess was going to ride with her friends so I guess I get the car all to myself.

I got in the car and turned on the engine. I then started heading to school. I put my black ray bands shades on.

I would see people walking on the sidewalk looking at my car so surprised. I'd see students too and there mouths would get wide open.

I park my car in the parking lot and it was just in time to see Austin's reaction. I get out of the car and I turn to everyone.

When I saw Austin's reaction I started to smile real big.

Everyone started to come up to me and talk about my car. Austin was shocked so much.

No one could beat my car. My car is the most expensive car in the world and you can't get this car in the U.S. anymore.

"Sophia how'd you get it?" Jason said

"My dad knows a guy."

"Oh my god baby. I love your car." Alexa said while holding my hand.

"Fuck you Alexa!" I turned my back on her. We all walked together to the social circle.

"Nice ride Sophie." Stephen says.

"Thanks buddy. I'll give you a ride if you want."

"Sure thanks."

We all hung out at the social table. I sat next to steph and some of my teammates.

Alexa pisses me off so much. Like you have no idea. She is such a bitch. I want to break up with her so bad.

"Ey Steph can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure."

We got up and walked away from everyone else.

"What's up?" She said.

"I want to break up with Alexa."

Steph didn't say anything for a minute.

"Steph say something!"

"I just can't believe you finally woken up." I looked so confused.


"Yeah. She's a bitch and I can't believe you finally realize that. I never wanted to tell you because you know I can't judge your relationship with her. But if your happy then I'm happy. Well now I'm glad your gonna break up with her. I'm proud of you buddy."

"Yeah but idk how to let her down without her always falling for me?"

"Look just break up with her. If she says no we're not over, you tell me and we'll settle this together like sisters. Deal?"

"Deal." We hugged then head back to the social table.

As I sit down Alexa gets up and walked towards me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and kisses me on the cheek.

"Alexa stop!" I demanded.

She just kept kissing me. I pushed her away from me and she just stood there like if she was lost.

I turned to look at her and she was about to cry.

"Alexa don't be such a baby!" I said to her.

I turned back around and everyone was looking at us.

"Don't worry about them okay." Steph whispered in my ear. All I could do was smile. I turned to look at Alexa and I think it was time to tell her the bad news.

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