Meeting again

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Summery: Steve meets the winter soldier.

It's been seventy years since Steve has saw Bucky and he almost lost all hope that he would ever see him again until one day. Steve and The falcon were on a mission when all of a sudden hell broke loose, it was hydra. Hydra has been causing problems for the avengers for a while now but it looked like they had a new member in the group. A tall and buff brunette with a silver arm that had a red star on it. He covered most of his face with a mask so falcon wasn't able to find out who he was all they knew is that he was an enemy.

"We're gonna need help with this group cap there's only two of us and 20 of them." Sam says as he glides in the sky examining the enemies.

"Then call backup we use some help." Steve instructs Sam as he throws his shield to 2 hydra workers knocking them out.

Natasha,Clint, and tony show up and they start to get rid of the other hydra workers all except the brunette. Everyone had their hands full with an enemy and so as soon as Captain America finished another guy he went to finish off the brunette. The brunette was quick and strong definitely better than the other hydra members giving Steve a challenge. Steve was able to throw his shield hitting the brunette down to the ground and his mask came off.Steve saw the mask off but the brunettes face, Steve waited to for the brunette to get back up on his feet but when he did everything went silent and slow.

"Bucky..." steve said out of breath and in complete shock.

He just saw his best friend since childhood again but as a completely different person

"Who the hell is Bucky." The brunette said as he tried to shoot Steve bit Clint saved him by shooting an arrow at the brunette causing him to be electrocuted a little passing him out and falling to the ground again.

Steve slowly went to the brunette's unconscious body as the others went towards him too. Steve got on his knees and looked at Bucky still in disbelief and shock.

"I-it can't be.." Steve chocked out as his eyes began to water.

"You know this guy?" Tony says in a confused and tired voice.

"Y-yeah it's Bucky..." Steve whimpered as he picked up the brunette "Not to sound mean but shouldn't he be dead I mean you told us he fell off a train" Natasha said in a concerned tone. " I guess hydra got a hold of him and made him into their own weapon" Sam says out of breath "we have to take him to the base" Steve says still in complete shock that he's childhood friend is back.

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