Comfort in the moonlight pt.2

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Bucky and Steve had woke up in each others arms as always. Steve was kissing Buckys cheek lightly. Bucky nuzzled at the affection he was getting and wrapped his arms around Steve more.

"Buck I have a question" Steve said out of the blue before saying good morning

"Well good morning to you too, whatcha wanna ask me?" He said sarcastically

"What was your nightmare about and please don't lie to me" Steve asked looking over and Buckys brown eyes.

Bucky knew he couldn't lie Steve always knew when he was lying. He simply sighed in defeat.

"It was about Hydra...when they got me for the first time...they kept asking me questions about you and whenever I didn't answer they would beat me..I saw you in the corner of that dark room all the time. It was driving me crazy...sometimes I even banged my head against the wall to get you outta my head..I knew you weren't gonna come looking for me again so I tried to forget about you..and I eventually did.."

Steve froze. He didn't know how to react to this. His lover just told he wanted to forget about him because he was never going to be saved he was tortured for all those years and Steve could have stopped it if he had found him sooner.
Steve didn't say anything and just hugged Bucky tighter keeping his head in his shoulder. Bucky kissed his head and hugged him tighter too.

"I'll never leave you again I promise." Steve spoke in a firm but soft tone.
"I know you won't" Bucky agree kissing his head again.

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