He's different pt.3

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The next day he wore a hoodie all day keeping his head down trying to hide the huge bruise that was covering his whole neck. Now to Natasha it was obvious something was up with Bucky she just had to find out what happened. She observed Bucky all day how he barely talked,kept his head down,was constantly drinking water,and other things that would be suspicious. She waited until Bucky was in the Avenger's gym alone since she knows he doesn't like to cause scenes. She closed the door and went up to him.

"What's going on Bucky." She questioned in her usual serious tone.

"N-nothings going on." He stuttered back sounding like he was a smoker.

"Bullshit. Take off the hoodie" she demanded in a calm tone trying not to scare him but for him to know she means business.

He sighed not bothering to try to fight with her so he took off his hood and looked at her. His neck was completely bruised with purple blue and black from where he was chocked and he had a bruise on the left side of his cheek.

"Who did this you. Steve? Did Steve do this to you." She questioned quickly putting the pieces together fast.

He simply nodded and looked down at the floor. He started to cry out of embarrassment at the fact that the love of his life had done this to him. He was never one to go asking for help he always held everything in because of his childhood. He felt ashamed.

Natasha wrapped her arms around him and comfort the broken man in front of her. He hugged back crying in her shoulder.

"I-I don't know what's wrong with him...he's just so different a-and it's scary..." he wailed.

Natasha comforted him by rubbing his back and telling him it was all going to be okay. After about 15 minutes she pulled back and kept her arms on his shoulders.

"Why don't you go hang out with Thor hm? He's trying to cook and we all know he might burn this place to the ground. You're a good cook why don't you teach him something?" She offered gently to him and he nodded. He wiped his tears and went to the kitchen to help Thor. Then she booked it. She knew Steve was in his and Bucky's apartment since he had no mission and she was seeing red.

She kicked the door opened and went up to him. "What the hell is wrong with you! Why on earth would you do that to your lover huh?! What has gotten into you!" She boomed with pure frustration.

"What are talking about? I didn't do anything." He answered

"LIAR I SAW THE BRUISES ON HIM! What kind of monster have you turned into. You would never do this to him why now all of a sudden?!" She yelled again trying all that she can not to hurt him.

"It's none of your business okay!" He boomed in response this time getting up in her face but he was different. He looked sick as if he caught a terrible sickness. He had bags under his eyes and was sweating. Hell his veins were block as if something was injected in him.

"You're different. I need to take you to Bruce." She stated

"I'm not going anywhere." Steve looked away and was about to walk away but Natasha being Natasha she teased him. He fell to the ground unconscious and she dragged him by the feet. She made it to the lab and dragged him inside.

"Bruce! I need your help with Steve"

Bruce walked in and was just confused as soon as he walked in. "Uh 1 what's going on 2 why do you have a razed in your hand and why is Steve passed out?" He questioned completely flabbergasted on what he is witnessing.

"Long story no time just test him. Take his blood or something." She demanded

"Okay" Bruce agreed knowing he can't pick a fight with her. He placed him on the chair and took a small amount of blood into a vile and something immediately was wrong. The blood had black goo mixed in with it. Bruce immediately took it in for testing and apparently there was a parasite inside of him. Thankfully there wasn't a big amount so Bruce was able to get it all out of him and patched him up.

Steve woke up with his head pounding a pain and feeling drained.

"What happened?" He questioned squinting at the bright light above him.

"You had a parasite inside of you. That's why you've been moody lately." Bruce answers with his checkerboard as proof.

"What have I done?" He questioned generally confused and that's when Natasha and Bruce told him everything he had done leaving out the part he hurt Bucky physically.

It was perfect timing as soon as they finished their story time Bucky walked into the lab with his hood up.

"Bucky!" Steve yelled lightly and went to hug him but Bucky flinched away. Bucky put his arms around himself and ducked his head away in pure fear of being hurt again.

"Bucky..what's wrong?" He placed his hand on Buckys cheek and he flinched away again. "What's wrong Bucky are you okay?" He asked scared of what happened to his lover.

"You're what happened." Natasha snapped going to them and going next to Bucky putting her hand on his shoulder for support.

"W-what do you? What did I do?" He asked generally confused on what he did.

"Take off your hoodie buck show him." Natasha told him. Bucky didn't want to. He was embarrassed at that fact he had those marks on him. He shook his head no.

"Bucky what did I do to you...please show me.." Steve begged.

Bucky straightened up and took down his hoodie making eye contact with his lover the marks looking even more bruised than 2 hours ago.

Steve couldn't believe it. He hurt Bucky physically leaving bruises in his body. He chocked him and hit him. His eyes began to water at the fact he had done that to Bucky. How could he do such a thing?

"I-it's okay Steve i-I forgive you.." bucky mumbled his voice still raspy from the chocking. Then Bruce told bucky about the parasite that had poisoned Steve's mind and actions. Bucky and Steve hugged being warmed up in each other's embrace loving each other like they promised they would forever and ever.

They went up into their apartment and went to their room. They laid on the bed they shared and cuddled each Other in each other arms. Steve looked at Bucky's bruises and felt sick at the fact he caused those. Steve kissed the bruises lightly and spoke sweet little nothings to Bucky. Telling him how pretty he is. How wonderful of a person he is and loving him. Bucky nuzzled into his lover and laid his head on Steve's chest. "I'm glad I have my Steve back" Bucky happily giggled

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