The new boy pt.2

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It was the last class of the day and pretty much everyone was tired especially James.
He was sitting next to Steve and he his kept up going down out of tiredness.

"You okay James?" Steve whispered

"Yeah...just a lil tired" he rubbed his eyes in response.

The teacher handed out work and they started to work. Everyone was concentrating on their work until a student screamed. Everyone looked over at the girl and she was pointing at the window she was next to. Everyone looked and saw a huge brown wolf.

The wolf was so huge it was at least 9ft long the wolf started walking to the window and everyone backed away from their seat including Steve, except for James. He just made eye contact wit the wolf for about 3 minutes. Then the wolf ran into the bushes and everyone went back to work while also staring at the new boy for not being scared of the wolf.

Finally the bell rings and everyone goes to their lockers to grab their things. Tony and Steve were talking to each other since they were locker buddy's until Steve  saw someone messing with James.

Some jock and his dumb friends had James cornered in the hall. Steve and Tony walked over to try to stop what was about to be a jump.

"Hey leave him alone" Steve spoke loud enough for all the guys to hear.

"Or what? This new kid isn't gonna do anything." The jock scoffed

The jock then threw his arm out to punch the brunette but he caught his fist and twisted it hard. The jock groaned in pain and when James let go the jock rubbed his wrist.

"You're dead tomorrow trashy." The jock scoffed and walked away. His other friends following him out the school.

"Well didn't know you could defend yourself" Tony stated kinda stoked that James could do that.

" brothers taught me some things." He responded.

"Well I gotta go I'll see you guys tomorrow" Tony illustrated he tapped Steve's shoulder and then walked out.

"Hey James-"
"You can call me Bucky" Bucky interrupted
"Oh okay, well Bucky mind if I walk you home." Steve requested nervously

The brunettes picked his head up and his eyes sparkled a little.

"S-sure I'd like that" he responded as a small smile grew on his face.

And so the blonde walked the brunette home. 

"Woah you got a nice cabin Bucky

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"Woah you got a nice cabin Bucky." Steve gasped lightly.

" could come inside? We could do homework together"He offered shyly.

"Sure why not" he giggled in response.

They walked into the living room and it smelt of dirt and other outside smells

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